SimpleMind Pro - Mind Mapping

1 year ago 39

Mind mapping helps you signifier your thoughts, retrieve accusation and make caller ideas.

We've created a beautiful, intuitive app, truthful you tin caput representation wherever you are and whenever you want.

SimpleMind Pro is designed to synchronize your Mind Map crossed platforms. For illustration (as a abstracted purchase) for Windows and Mac -

• Easy to use.
• Continuously fine-tuned based connected lawsuit feedback.
• Trustworthy and reliable: 10+ years of updates and improvements.
• Used successful a wide scope of applications: business, education, ineligible and medical.
• Unique free-form layout oregon assorted car layouts.
• Seamless synchronization utilizing clouds.
• Add media and documents.
• Share Mind Maps.
• Change and customize the benignant of the Mind Map.
• Tools to assistance you support overview.

○ spot topics anyplace you privation successful the free-form layout
○ oregon usage car layout - large for brainstorming
○ reorganize and restructure utilizing drag, rotate, re-arrange oregon reconnect
○ usage checkboxes, advancement bars, auto-numbering
○ link immoderate 2 topics with a crosslink
○ statement relations
○ virtually unlimited leafage size and fig of elements
○ supports aggregate Mind Maps connected 1 page

Add media and documents
○ images and photos
○ notes
○ icons (stock, emojis oregon custom)
○ nexus to a topic, caput map, contact, record oregon webpage
○ dependable memos
○ videos

Seamless synchronization utilizing Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive
○ sync caput maps with your Android devices
○ sync caput maps crossed platforms. For illustration with Windows oregon Mac - arsenic a abstracted purchase

Share your Mind Map
○ for illustration arsenic PDF oregon Image
○ outline, tin beryllium imported successful connection processors
○ make a slideshow to contiguous your Mind Map (Tablet only)
○ print
○ export to a calendar app

Style your caput map
○ alteration the quality by selecting 1 of the 15+ benignant sheets
○ make your ain benignant sheets
○ benignant each detail, precisely however you privation it
○ alteration borders, lines, colors, inheritance color, the checkbox color, and overmuch more

Maintain overview
○ illness and grow branches
○ fell oregon amusement branches oregon topics
○ artifact retired distractions with autofocus
○ item branches by displaying subdivision borders
○ visually radical topics with radical borders
○ signifier your Mind Maps successful folders
○ outline view
○ search

SimpleMind for Android is optimized for phones and tablets.

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