Soccer Tactic Board

2 years ago 68

Football Tactic Board, allows you to make your ain tactics for each lucifer situation, for FREE and NO REGISTRATIONS nor payments are needed for much precocious tools ;).

Intuitive UI, simple, speedy using.

Video Manuals here:

You tin alteration the field, to six antithetic options. Full tract view, Half tract view, Freekicks left, right, consecutive and of people penalty!

FTB provides you 7 tools! Rectangle with fig inside! Sipmle Line, Arrow, Dotted arrow, Pen, Text and Area! Everything you request to make your tactic!

Save your tactics into 1 frame, oregon bash framework by framework ANIMATION, for much precocious tactics! You tin acceptable animation velocity to marque it simply the BEST.

You tin analyse your ain photos and your ain videos!

Create your teams and players!
***manual connected bottommost of the page***

FTB allows you respective ways to stock maneuver oregon animation with others!
- for maneuver - you tin bash photograph of your maneuver oregon you tin export it into file
- for animation - you tin export it into file
This record tin beryllium easy imported into app connected immoderate different instrumentality ;)
***manual connected bottommost of the page***

Simply region objects, if you privation to rework your tactic, with region function! Or you tin reset everything with conscionable 1 click!

Create shot tactics

/*More tract options*/

*Full field
*Half field


*Dotted arrow

/*Useful features*/

*Change players size
*Save tactics
*Export/Import tactics and animations
*Frame by framework animation
*Portrait/Landscape mode

Go to edit model (top close tools button), click connected team1/team2 edit fastener connected the close of team, adhd caller squad and players. Then prime this squad by clicking connected it.

Go to maneuver / animation loading window, connected the bottommost click connected EXPORT, and past click connected the maneuver / animation which you privation to beryllium exported.
Tactics are past exported to your instrumentality to folder /FootballBoard/Tactics
Animations to /FootballBoard/Animations

Now you tin nonstop them to others and they tin import them ;)

Copy maneuver / animation record to your instrumentality folder
- maneuver to /FootballBoard/Import/Tactics
- animation to /FootballBoard/Import/Animations
(if this folder doesnt exists - Go to maneuver / animation loading window, connected the bottommost click connected IMPORT and folders volition beryllium created)

Now you person maneuver / animation successful close folder, truthful present it is precise simple:
Go to maneuver / animation loading window, connected the bottommost click connected IMPORT
In import window, determination are shown tactics / animations which are copied successful import folder
and present you conscionable click connected the maneuver / animation which you privation to beryllium imported.

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