Sometimes You Die

2 years ago 61

This 1 is different.

In this game, you person to die.

∙ G A M E ∙
What is your motivation?
What bash you expect from this game?
Do you privation to bushed it?
How bash you cognize it tin beryllium beaten?

This crippled plays with expectation, illusion, and reality.

∙ P U Z Z L E S ∙
Think earlier you act.
Who knows what it means to dice down the screen?
Is it lone a fig that goes up?
Pixels that alteration their intensity?

Solve disturbing, surprising, and malicious puzzles.

∙ D E A T H ∙
Is it imaginable to spell done the crippled
without dying adjacent once?
Will you purpose for it?

∙ D I F F I C U L T Y ∙
Some deliberation the crippled is easy.
I think,
those haven't discovered the hidden levels yet.

· · · > "interactive art" > "manipulates expectations" > "borderline brilliant" > "messes with the players' heads" > "incredibly unique" > "extremely clever" > "must play" > "deliciously unputdownable" > "play it, and emotion it"

Epilepsy warning: One level includes accelerated flashing lights.

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