Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here's How It's Being Treated - The Epoch Times

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The spike proteins origin inflammation, crook of benignant 1 interferon response, and trim autophagy among different things, each of which adds up to a dysregulated immune system

Multiple studies person shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike macromolecule is simply a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, susceptible of causing pathologies successful its hosts.

The beingness of spike macromolecule has been powerfully linked with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms. Studies person shown that spike proteins are often contiguous successful symptomatic patients, sometimes adjacent months aft infections or vaccinations.

The numbers of agelong COVID and post-vaccine cases person been climbing successful the United States, progressively posing arsenic a healthcare problem.

Data from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that astir 7 percent of Americans are presently experiencing agelong COVID symptoms, which would beryllium implicit 15 cardinal people. Some radical with agelong COVID person been truthful debilitated that they cannot spell to work, the aforesaid person been reported successful radical experiencing post-vaccine symptoms.

Over 880,000 adverse events person been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database for imaginable post-COVID vaccine symptoms.

However, statisticians reason that the fig of radical suffering from post-vaccine syndromes are overmuch higher.

Canadian molecular biologist Jessica Rose estimated an underreporting origin of 31, adding up to an estimation that much than 27 cardinal Americans whitethorn person suffered from adverse events pursuing vaccination.

“The vaccine-injured are vast,” said Dr. Pierre Kory connected Oct. 15 astatine a Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference.

“The numbers are monolithic … they are underserved and their needs are not being met.”

However, galore doctors are looking to alteration this situation. The FLCCC has been astatine the forefront successful treating COVID-19, agelong COVID, and post-vaccine symptoms.

No ample standard studies person been done connected attraction for post-vaccine symptoms. Based connected objective observations, diligent feedback, and extended research, the FLCCC has released its updated attraction recommendations.

The FLCCC co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Paul Marik told The Epoch Times that recommendations are ever taxable to alteration based connected diligent feedback, arsenic good arsenic probe connected a caller attraction option.

However, to recognize the attraction options, 1 archetypal needs to recognize connected however spike macromolecule is causing damage.

Pathology of Spike Proteins

Long COVID and post-vaccine syndrome stock a precocious grade of overlap arsenic the 2 conditions person some been linked to semipermanent spike macromolecule presence, and the symptoms are often akin too.

“The halfway occupation successful post-vaccine syndrome is chronic ‘immune dysregulation,’” Marik shared astatine the FLCCC conference.

Spike proteins tin origin chronic inflammation. Studies person shown that inflammation tin pb to compartment stress, damage, and adjacent death.  Cells marque up tissues, antithetic tissues signifier organs, and organs are portion of our ain physiological systems. Therefore spike macromolecule injuries are a systemic syndrome.

Spike proteins trigger chronic inflammation by causing immune dysregulation. Spike proteins participate immune cells, power disconnected mean immune responses, and trigger pro-inflammatory pathways instead.

The mean immune effect for infected immune cells is to merchandise benignant 1 interferons, this springiness signals to different immune cells to heighten defence against viral particles. But spike macromolecule reduces this signaling successful infected cells, and uninfected cells volition besides instrumentality successful and go damaged by the spike macromolecule arsenic the corruption goes retired of control.

Marik said that a captious facet of semipermanent spike macromolecule harm is that it inhibits autophagy, your body’s mode of recycling damaged cells. Usually, erstwhile cells person been infected with viral particles, the cells volition effort to interruption these particles down and region them arsenic waste.

However, studies connected SARS-CoV-2 viruses person shown that autophagy processes are reduced successful infected patients, with spike proteins contiguous galore months aft the archetypal exposure.

“The spike macromolecule is simply a truly wicked protein,” said Marik. “It switches disconnected autophagy, that’s wherefore the spike tin enactment successful the cells for specified a agelong time.”

Epoch Times Photo Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and erstwhile Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine astatine Eastern Virginia Medical School, astatine the FLCCC league “Understanding & Treating Spike Protein-Induced Diseases” successful Kissimmee, Fla. connected Oct. 14, 2022. (The Epoch Times)

Immune Cell Dysfunction

The immune dysfunction caused by spike macromolecule not lone causes inflammation, but besides whitethorn besides lend to crab proliferation, and autoimmunity.

Studies person shown that spike tin trim and exhaust the enactment of T and natural slayer cells. These 2 compartment types are liable for sidesplitting infected cells and cancerous cells. Therefore a reduced cellular immunity from T and earthy slayer cells tin lend to an untimely clearance of spike-infected cells.

Damage from spike tin pb to damaged DNA, and studies person shown that spike tin besides trim DNA repair. Psychological and biology accent specified arsenic ultraviolet light, pollutants, oxidants, and galore different factors, tin routinely harm DNA, requiring changeless repair.

Damaged DNA puts cells astatine hazard of becoming cancerous, and these cells should beryllium killed to forestall crab formations. However, with reduced T and earthy slayer compartment activity, this whitethorn pb to unchecked proliferation of perchance cancerous cells.

Other dysfunctions that person been reported pursuing vaccinations see autoimmune diseases.

These diseases whitethorn beryllium linked to the spike proteins having a precocious level of molecular mimicry, meaning spike proteins person galore regions akin to different proteins successful the quality body.

So erstwhile the immune strategy attacks the spike protein, owed to structural similarities, the antibodies produced against spike macromolecule regions whitethorn besides respond against the body’s ain proteins and tissues. Studies person shown that antibodies made against the spike macromolecule tin besides hindrance to and onslaught aforesaid tissues.

Spike Protein Causes Fatigue

The spike is besides linked with dysfunction successful the mitochondria. Colloquially known arsenic the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria are liable for harnessing vigor from the sweetener we ingest.

Human neural cells treated with spike macromolecule have been shown to nutrient much reactive oxygen species, and this is an denotation of mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting imaginable simplification successful vigor production.

People with agelong COVID and post-vaccine syndromes often acquisition chronic fatigue, encephalon fog, workout intolerance, and musculus weakness. These symptoms are besides often seen successful radical with mitochondrial dysfunction, indicating a imaginable link.

Epoch Times Photo Dr. Paul Marik’s slides presented astatine the FLCCC Conference successful Orlando Florida (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

Spike Protein Damage to Blood Vessels and Organs

Spike proteins person shown to beryllium peculiarly damaging to cells that enactment humor vessels. Spike proteins tin hindrance to ACE2 and CD147 receptors and trigger inflammatory pathways.

These receptors are peculiarly abundant successful cells of the humor vessels, heart, immune system, ovaries, and galore different areas. Spike protein tin truthful trigger inflammation and harm successful humor vessels and its related organs, starring to systemic injury.

Marik said that spike macromolecule wounded is person to a systemic syndrome alternatively than a disease.

“It’s not a disease. It doesn’t acceptable the accepted exemplary of a disease. This is simply a syndrome which affects each azygous organ … the spike goes everyplace … truthful this is simply a multi-systems illness and it doesn’t travel the accepted paradigm of a illness which is 1 symptom, 1 diagnosis.”

Epoch Times Photo Dr. Pierre Kory’s slides presented astatine the FLCCC league successful Kissimmee, Fla. (Courtesy of the FLCCC)

FLCCC’s First Line Treatments

Since agelong COVID and post-vaccine symptoms are some associated with spike macromolecule presence, the archetypal enactment treatments recommended by the FLCCC truthful absorption connected 2 main steps.

The archetypal measurement is to region spike protein, the 2nd measurement is to trim its toxicity.

The assemblage volition past heal itself, and this is “the superior attraction goal,” said Marik.

Most of the archetypal enactment treatments person focused connected clearing retired the spike macromolecule by reactivating autophagy—a process that is downregulated by spike protein.

Lifestyle implementations tin boost autophagy done intermittent fasting, and photobiomodulation. Photobiomodulation tin beryllium done by exposing oneself to the sun, since sunlight contains infrared rays that boost autophagy successful cells.

Intermittent fasting can effect in aggregate wellness benefits including improved insulin sensitivity, value loss, reduced inflammation and autoimmunity, and galore more.

However it should beryllium noted that intermittent fasting is not recommended for radical younger than the property of 18, arsenic it tin forestall growth. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are besides not recommended to accelerated intermittently. People with diabetes and kidney illness are besides recommended to cheque with their superior attraction physicians earlier considering intermittent fasting.

While intermittent fasting whitethorn not beryllium suitable for everyone, determination are different attraction options that tin boost autophagy and trim spike macromolecule toxicity.

Epoch Times Photo (Sonis Photography/Shutterstock)


Ivermectin has been highly recommended by the FLCCC and galore doctors treating COVID, agelong COVID, and  post-vaccine syndrome, connected the ground that it is inexpensive, highly accessible, has a precocious information profile, and a precocious effect rate.

The cause is highly dynamic and has besides been documented with a assortment of functions: antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and besides boosts autophagy.

Ivermectin tin assistance with the removal of spike protein. Studies person shown that ivermectin has a higher affinity for the spike macromolecule and volition hindrance to its regions, efficaciously neutralizing and immobilizing it for destruction.

Ivermectin besides straight opposes the pro-inflammatory pathways that are triggered by the spike macromolecule including NF-KB pathway that activates inflammatory cytokines and toll-like receptor 4.

FLCCC doctors crushed that ivermectin and intermittent fasting tin enactment “synergistically” to region the assemblage spike protein, and recommends taking ivermectin with oregon conscionable aft a meal.

Ivermectin is besides capable to hindrance to ACE2 and CD147, and truthful blocks spike macromolecule from entering and triggering inflammation successful cells that show these receptors. Studies person besides shown that ivermectin tin support the vigor produced by mitochondria adjacent nether conditions of debased oxygen.

Kory said that astir 70 to 90 percent of his post-vaccine syndrome patients respond to the drug, mostly wrong 10 days.

“Patients tin beryllium classified arsenic ivermectin responders oregon non-responders … the non-responders—[are] really a radical of patients that are much hard to treat,” said Marik.

Patients that are non-responsive—typically aft 4 to six weeks of treatment—are recommended to spell connected a much assertive treatment.

When overdosed, ivermectin tin origin confusion, disorientation, and perchance adjacent death. However, the cause has a precocious information illustration erstwhile utilized successful tenable doses. There is small lit connected its usage successful large women truthful the FLCCC cautions against the usage of it successful pregnancy.

“Ivermectin has continually proved to beryllium astonishingly harmless for quality use,” wrote Dr. Satoshi Ohmura, the discoverer of ivermectin in his co-authored study.

“Indeed, it is specified a harmless drug, with minimal broadside effects, that it tin beryllium administered by non-medical unit and adjacent illiterate individuals successful distant agrarian communities, provided that they person had immoderate precise basic, due training.”

Epoch Times Photo Screenshot of a photograph of naltrexone, a medicine approved for opioid and intoxicant addiction that is utilized successful debased dose to dainty agelong COVID. (innovationcompounding.com/screenshot by The Epoch Times)

Low Dose Naltrexone

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) has precocious made the quality arsenic an enactment for agelong COVID treatment.

“We’ve been utilizing it for many, galore months,” said Marik. “Low dose naltrexone is simply a precise potent anti-inflammatory drug. It’s been utilized successful galore chronic inflammatory diseases.”

Clinically, FLCCC doctors person seen galore of their patients’ symptoms amended pursuing attraction with LDN, though it whitethorn instrumentality months for the benefits to beryllium intelligibly visible.

Normal naltrexone is commonly utilized to forestall overdose successful narcotic users. However, erstwhile reduced to astir a 10th of its mean concentration, to 1 mg to 4.5 mg successful LDN, the drug’s mechanics changes dramatically.

LDN has an anti-inflammatory effect; studies amusement that it is capable to artifact inflammatory toll-like receptors, trim the accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and artifact inflammatory cascades.

LDN works to equilibrium the activity betwixt Th1 and Th2 benignant cytokines.

Th1 benignant cytokines thin to nutrient pro-inflammatory effect to termination intracellular parasites and propel autoimmune activities. Th2 benignant cytokines typically person much of an anti-inflammatory enactment and tin counteract the enactment of Th1 cytokines.

LDN selectively modulates this equilibrium by reducing Th1 enactment and expanding Th2 cytokine activities.

Clinically, LDN has been shown to beryllium effectual against post-COVID and post-vaccine neurological symptoms. It has been listed by the FLCCC to beryllium effectual against neuropathic pain, encephalon fog, fatigue, bell’s palsy, and facial paresthesia.

This is due to the fact that LDN also reduces neuroinflammation. It is neuroprotective and is capable to transverse the blood-brain obstruction and trim inflammatory actions of the microglia, which relation arsenic immune cells successful the brain.

Epoch Times Photo Blueberries connected woody table; absorption connected azygous blueberry (Shallow DOF)


Resveratrol is simply a nutraceutical commonly recovered successful fruits. It tin beryllium recovered in peanuts, pistachios, grapes, reddish and achromatic wine, blueberries, cranberries, and adjacent cocoa and acheronian chocolate.

It tin besides beryllium obtained done vitamins, though determination is mostly a debased bioavailability of resveratrol, and truthful the FLCCC recommends it to beryllium taken with quercetin.

Resveratrol is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing. Studies person shown it to beryllium selective successful sidesplitting crab cells. It activates DNA repair pathways and truthful tin trim cellular accent and forestall the enactment of cancerous cells.

In stressed cells, resveratrol tin trim reactive oxygen taxon produced by the mitochondria and beforehand autophagy. In carnal studies connected effect flies and nematodes, the usage of resveratrol accrued their lifespan, indicating the molecule’s anti-aging and life-extending properties.

Aspirin-Heart An statement of aspirin pills successful New York. (Patrick Sison/File Photo via AP)

Low Dose Aspirin

Similar to ivermectin, aspirin is different cause that has been recovered to beryllium multifaceted successful its effects for health.

Aspirin is anti-inflammatory and an anticoagulant. The cause truthful reduces the accidental of micro-clot enactment successful the humor vessels. Studies person shown that it tin besides trim pro-inflammatory pathways, oxidative stress, and is besides neuroprotective.

Neurocognitive impairment has been a large ailment of galore radical suffering from post-COVID vaccine syndromes. This includes encephalon fog and peripheral neuropathic pain.

Studies connected Alzheimer’s illness patients person shown that taking aspirin was associated with slower cognitive decline, though results person been conflicting crossed antithetic studies.

Animal studies showed that rats that were fixed aspirin had little cognitive decline. Studies successful rats with damaged nerves suggested that aspirin whitethorn besides beryllium neuroprotective owed to its anti-inflammatory nature.

The usage of aspirin whitethorn origin broadside effects successful gestation and specified arsenic bleeding.

Epoch Times Photo Molecule Of Melatonin. By Sergey Tarasov/Shutterstock


Melatonin is simply a hormone produced by the pineal gland to beforehand a restful sleep. It has some anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties.

In cells, melatonin promotes mitochondrial health by reducing progressive oxygen species. Because the mitochondria uses a batch of oxygen, erstwhile it is stressed done biology toxins specified arsenic radiation oregon spike macromolecule exposure, it whitethorn nutrient reactive oxygen species.

Melatonin, an antioxidant, tin truthful forestall oxidative damage. Studies amusement that it besides prevents leakage of electrons from mitochondria and truthful maximizes vigor production.

It besides promotes autophagy by unblocking the autophagy pathway, helping the compartment to interruption down spike proteins and boost the removal of these toxic proteins.

Due to its anti-oxidizing property, melatonin repairs DNA damaged by escaped radicals. Melatonin and its metabolites besides activate genes that beforehand DNA repair, and suppress cistron enactment that whitethorn pb to damaged DNA.

Melatonin besides has anti-cancerous properties. Animal studies connected melatonin person shown that animals that were administered melatonin had a little complaint of tumor generation.

Melatonin has besides been recommended by the FLCCC successful treating tinnitus, a grounds of post-vaccine and agelong COVID. The grounds is simply a ringing successful the ears, and tin disturb slumber if severe. Melatonin tin assistance trim the ringing and assistance radical to get a bully night’s sleep.

Epoch Times Photo A vessel is shown speechmaking “Vaccine COVID-19” and a syringe adjacent to the Pfizer and Biontech logo connected Nov. 23, 2020. (Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images)

Differences Between Long COVID and Post-Vaccine Syndrome

Both agelong COVID and post-vaccine syndrome are driven by spike macromolecule load and harm from spike exposure, and truthful stock a precocious grade of overlap successful treatment.

However, doctors announcement flimsy differences successful definite objective presentations betwixt the 2 conditions, and truthful the FLCCC person prioritized antithetic treatments.

“It seems that with the vaccine injured, the predominant grounds and the predominant organ is neurological,” said Marik. In his observation, astir “more than 80 percent of patients with vaccine injury person immoderate grade of neurological impairment.”

Marik said post-vaccine symptoms tin besides beryllium harder to dainty than agelong COVID, and are much persistent, with immoderate patients presenting with debilitating symptoms for astir 2 years.

Therefore attraction for radical with post-vaccine symptoms are “more assertive and much encephalon targeted,” said Marik.

“It seems similar agelong COVID gets amended with time. While immoderate patients persist, it seems to beryllium somewhat aforesaid resolving to a degree,” said Marik. “The occupation with the vaccine-injured is that it tin persist. We person patients who were vaccinated successful December of 2020 … [who] are inactive severely, severely injured.”

“The 2 are similar, but we’ve enactment overmuch much accent connected the vaccine-injury due to the fact that it’s a overmuch much hard illness to treat.”

Marina Zhang


Marina Zhang is based successful New York and covers wellness and science. Contact her astatine marina.zhang@epochtimes.com.

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