SPIN Safe Browser: Web Filter

1 year ago 42

SPIN Safe Browser is simply a web browser with built-in web filtering, designed to support you harmless from inappropriate contented connected your Android phones and tablets.

Content specified arsenic nudity, pornography and different tasteless contented are each automatically blocked. With a SPIN+ subscription you tin customize your SPIN Safe Browser experience.

Browse safely present with SPIN Safe Browser.

✅ Allow circumstantial domains*
🛑 Block immoderate domains
🔑 Set a Passcode
Domains successful the pornography and nudity categories cannot allowed, evidently 😉

Get SPIN Safe Browser to browse the net with our built-in web filter that blocks pornography, inappropriate content, and support hunt results successful Google.com and DuckDuckGo.com safe. SPIN besides makes the astir fashionable video platform, YouTube, safer by automatically enforcing its Restricted mode. Recommended by galore users connected NoFap forums! SPIN is escaped to usage - users who privation to customize their acquisition tin subscribe with SPIN+.

Content Categories automatically blocked
✔ Pornography and Adult Content
✔ Nudity
✔ Prone to Bad Content*
✔ Unsafe Search Engines
✔ File Sharing / Peer to Peer sites
✔ VPN and Proxy sites

*SPIN idiosyncratic community-driven: Domains that are usually bully but incorporate intersexual oregon inappropriate contented are categorized with this category.

SPIN Safe Browser requires zero configuration. Simply instal and the pursuing safeguards are already enabled and enforced:
✔ 6 cardinal contented categories filter against inappropriate content
✔ Google searches are filtered with Strict Safe Search
✔ YouTube viewing is filtered with Restricted Mode
✔ Network agnostic - works connected immoderate wifi oregon cellular transportation
✔ Built connected Mozilla’s unfastened root and accelerated browser technology

For individuals, Web Filter for SPIN & Chrome brings our web filter to Chrome and a almighty app blocker with regular clip limits for your integer wellness connected your Android phones and tablets. Try our Premium mentation for escaped with a 7 time trial. Learn much here: https://filterchrome.com

For families, Boomerang Parental Control provides flexible surface clip controls, app controls, determination tracking and Android smartphone and tablet safety. Try our 14 time trial. Learn much here: https://useboomerang.com

Tip Make SPIN Safe Browser your default Android browser
Follow the steps here: https://spinsafebrowser.com/how-to-make-spin-safe-browser-your-default-android-browser

❤️ Highly Rated and Loved by Users
SPIN is simply a afloat featured web browser with integrated net filters that adjacent blocks the grey country of websites that are usually bully but are prone to atrocious content. Even VPN apps cannot bypass our filtering; besides a large edtech learning solution for acquisition institutions utilizing Android devices.

Also disposable arsenic a escaped Chrome Extension - SPIN Safe Browsing: Web Filter for Chrome
Available connected the Chrome Web Store and providing the aforesaid filtering exertion from our SPIN Safe Browser to Chrome. Get it present : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elebdopnkeckgfhkeeefmpmjjglandmi/publish-accepted?authuser=0&hl=en-US

Common Questions: https://community.useboomerang.com/hc/en-us/sections/360000687332-SPIN-Safe-Browser

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