Study calls for stronger awareness and control of vascular risk factors leading to stroke - News-Medical.Net

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Researchers astatine the Stroke Research and Prevention Group (HKU Stroke), Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) recovered that the incidence of 'young stroke' (strokes occurring successful individuals aged 18 to 55 years) has accrued by 30% successful Hong Kong from 2001 to 2021, frankincense called for amended power of vascular hazard factors, successful peculiar hypertension.

Stroke is the 2nd astir communal origin of decease and a starring origin of disablement successful the world. Although the wide incidence of changeable has declined successful high-income countries, the incidence of changeable among the younger populations has been rising globally. However, the epidemiology of 'young stroke' successful Hong Kong remains uncertain.
Using the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System of Hospital Authority, the probe squad analyzed the trends of changeable successful Hong Kong from 2001 to 2021 and recovered that the crude incidence of young changeable has sharply accrued from 39.1 per 100,000 radical successful 2001 to 48.3 per 100,000 successful 2011 and 55.7 per 100,000 successful 2021 (Figure 1). Although the full fig of caller changeable cases admitted to hospitals nether Hospital Authority remained akin astatine astir 13,500 - 14,000 per twelvemonth during the past 20 years, the fig of young changeable cases accrued from 1,531 successful 2001, to 2,028 successful 2021.

To place the hazard factors of young stroke, the survey besides followed up with a cohort of 431 changeable patients aged from 18 to 55 years who were admitted to Queen Mary Hospital and Ruttonjee Hospital of Hong Kong betwixt September 2019 and August 2022. Among them, 53% had hypertension, 44% had hyperlipidemia, 26% had a smoking history, 19% were obese, and 17% had diabetes (Figure 2). Among those with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes, 33%, 64% and 23% were recently diagnosed during the changeable admittance respectively.

In a abstracted study, wherever 284 seemingly steadfast Hong Kong Chinese aged 40 to 65 years received 24-hour humor unit monitoring, astir 40% were diagnosed with hypertension. Their mean regular sodium intake was estimated astatine 14g successful men and 13g successful women, acold exceeding the World Health Organization's recommendations of nary much than 5g per time by 2.8 times and 2.6 times respectively. Moreover, it was noted that sodium intake powerfully correlated with systolic and diastolic humor unit arsenic good arsenic 10-year projected changeable risk.

'These alarming findings telephone for stronger consciousness and power of vascular hazard factors starring to stroke, particularly among the younger generations,' commented Dr Gary Lau Kui-kai, Director of HKU Stroke who leads the study. 'Hypertension is the starring modifiable hazard origin of changeable and erstwhile studies person shown that with each 20mmHg summation successful systolic humor unit oregon 10mmHg summation successful diastolic humor pressure, determination is simply a 30-50% accrued hazard of stroke. Consistent with different studies, our findings amusement that Chinese radical thin to person a precise precocious sodium intake, which is straight correlated with humor unit and besides projected changeable risk. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes are often the effect of mediocre manner and dietary practices and measures to power for these vascular hazard factors done a amended fare with importantly little sodium intake, regular workout and smoking cessation is powerfully recommended for changeable prevention.'

Our results are worrying arsenic strokes are associated with a precocious accidental of disablement and death. Stroke besides has profound intelligence and societal consequences. This is particularly the lawsuit for young individuals, who are often bread-winners and request to instrumentality attraction of some older and younger household members. Our probe besides showed that astir 30% of changeable survivors successful Hong Kong endure from moderate-severe depression, which is accordant with different studies. The sociopsychological interaction of changeable is frankincense acold from negligible."

Dr Gary Lau Kui-kai, Director, Stroke Research and Prevention Group, The University of Hong Kong

It is important for members of the nationalist to cognize the symptoms of stroke, specified that they could question punctual aesculapian attraction erstwhile needed. Delays successful seeking attraction oregon not seeking attraction for changeable patients could beryllium detrimental. Time is encephalon and for each infinitesimal that changeable is not treated, it has been estimated that up to 1.9 cardinal encephalon neurons whitethorn beryllium lost. Earlier attraction for changeable is associated with amended result and immoderate hold successful seeking attraction would earnestly jeopardize changeable patient's eligibility for treatment. The FAST slogan is commonly utilized to punctual the assemblage of the symptoms of changeable and what to bash erstwhile changeable is suspected. FAST stands for Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Slurring of code and past it's Time to telephone for assistance oregon dial 999.

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