Survey from LoopMe Reveals 62% of Consumers Play Games on Their Mobile Devices, with 76% Playing More Than an Hour per Day - MarTech Series

1 year ago 45

Research of 18,340 respondents reveals caller accidental for publishers, developers, and advertisers to collaborate successful 2023 to level up originative experiences successful precocious attraction in-app gaming segment

LoopMe, a starring exertion institution that uses artificial quality (AI) to amended marque advertizing performance, announced the results of the company’s mobile gaming study, “Understanding Consumer Mobile Gaming Habits and Preferences.” The caller probe from LoopMe explores user preferences related to in-app mobile gaming successful the U.S., the U.K., and Singapore. Key findings amusement that 62% of consumers play games connected their mobile devices, with 76% playing upwards of an hr daily, and 15% playing for much than 5 hours per day. Furthermore, 1 5th of mobile gamers are highly attentive, focusing connected the gameplay and thing else, presenting a premier captive assemblage to thin into mobile marque advertising.

According to eMarketer, clip spent with mobile gaming is simply a afloat 50% the size of in-app social, yet the marque walk successful societal ($56B, according to Statista) is 7x that of mobile gaming advertisement gross projected for 2024 (nearly $8B), creating a immense maturation accidental to scope consumers. Most brands are not intentionally buying mobile gaming app advertizing arsenic a branding conveyance and immoderate aren’t adjacent alert they are buying it. Creative formats disposable successful mobile in-app environments seizure user attraction with the ‘gold standard’ being non-skippable ads, on with afloat surface and sound-on video advertisement formats. There is besides accrued request for gamification oregon rewarded video ads to further summation intent and favorability among consumers, particularly mid-funnel. LoopMe’s interior probe has recovered that in-app mobile gaming optimization run show against marque assistance outcomes is 2-4x higher than different manufacture norms.

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“As mobile gaming continues to turn successful popularity and present the reach, engagement, and results that marketers are seeking successful a brand-safe environment, we spot in-app mobile gaming becoming an intentional and progressively important portion of premix successful 2023, close alongside CTV and social”

“As mobile gaming continues to turn successful popularity and present the reach, engagement, and results that marketers are seeking successful a brand-safe environment, we spot in-app mobile gaming becoming an intentional and progressively important portion of premix successful 2023, close alongside CTV and social,” said Rachel Conforti, SVP Marketing astatine LoopMe. “LoopMe is arrogant to beryllium a class person successful in-app mobile gaming, helping link brands and apps truthful that advertisers tin thin into this monolithic marketplace opportunity, code a highly engaged marketplace conception and bring to airy caller opportunities that beryllium wrong this ecosystem.”

“There are wide benefits to brands that research caller originative experiences that assistance support in-app mobile gaming audiences highly engaged,” said Lewis Ward, Research Director, Gaming and VR/AR astatine IDC. “Leveraging newer advertisement formats — for instance, playable and interactive ads — tin construe into much momentum for brands’ advertisement contented due to the fact that users don’t person to beryllium passive, which is, of course, however games work. The in-app mobile gaming originative marketplace volition get much absorbing successful 2023 arsenic much large brands experimentation with these much engaging advertisement types.”

LoopMe’s survey besides found:

  • 65% of consumers play games much than 2 times per time connected their mobile instrumentality (31% play much than 5 times per day)
  • 57% of consumers who play games connected their mobile devices bash truthful successful their spare time
  • 20% of consumers said they are afloat focused connected their gameplay and bash not bash immoderate different activities portion playing. This fig rises to 38% for gamers who are playing portion besides listening to music, but not doing thing else.
  • 43% of consumers said they ticker TV portion playing games, which tin beryllium considered a bully complement to immoderate TV strategy

LoopMe’s opt-in GDPR-compliant, non-incentivized survey was delivered via mobile devices to 18,340 respondents successful the 3 above-mentioned regions. The language-localized survey was conducted successful October 2022, with the investigation of the results completed successful December 2022. Data was normalized to relationship for colonisation and sex splits by country.

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