Danny Fullbrook
BBC News, Bedfordshire
Juliana Falcon, 48; Kyle Prosper, 16, and Giselle Prosper, 13, were recovered dormant astatine their location successful Luton successful September
WARNING - This nonfiction contains details which immoderate readers whitethorn find upsetting.
A teen who murdered 3 members of his household besides planned to transportation retired 1 of the biggest massacres of the 21st Century, a tribunal had heard.
Nicholas Prosper utilized a shotgun to termination his parent Juliana Falcon, 48, his member Kyle, 16, and 13-year-old sister, Giselle, astatine their location successful Luton connected 13 September 2024.
The 19-year-old was arrested successful the hours aft the murders, but told constabulary of his "Friday the 13th" program to termination 30 pupils astatine St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.
Prosper, who antecedently admitted 3 counts of execution astatine Luton Crown Court, said his plot was interrupted by his parent who woke up earlier helium could termination her and his siblings successful their sleep.
Watch: Killer mimics shooting with portion of wood
A sentencing proceeding - owed to reason connected Wednesday - heard Prosper designed a distinctive achromatic and yellowish azygous for the killings which helium scheduled for Friday the 13th truthful it had "a bully sanction connected it".
His program would person seen him termination 34 radical successful total; his family, followed by four-year-old children astatine his aged school, 2 teachers and then, finally, himself.
The menace would person been an onslaught much deadly than the Sandy Hook massacre successful America.
Twenty students - the youngest six years aged - and six unit members were killed astatine Sandy Hook Elementary successful Connecticut connected 14 December 2012.
But aft a noisy conflict with his family, Prosper's neighbours alerted the police, meaning helium had to permission his location hours up of his schedule.
After sidesplitting his parent and 2 siblings, helium uploaded a video to YouTube, recorded the time before, wherever helium suggested helium planned to sprout his younger sister successful the face.
Prosper flagged down a constabulary car connected adjacent Bramingham Road aft trying to fell the weapon successful immoderate bushes, giving up connected his deadly plans.
"The grounds suggests that what drove him connected astir was the tendency to beryllium celebrated oregon infamous," authoritative Prosecutor Timothy Cray KC told Luton Crown Court.
Bedfordshire Police
Nicholas Prosper utilized a shotgun to termination his family
Mr Cray besides elaborate however Prosper "wanted to origin the biggest massacre successful the 21st Century."
Police had been called to the Leabank gathering successful the Marsh Farm country of Luton to reports of gunshots astatine 05:30 BST connected 13 September.
Officers arrived astatine 05:50 and forced introduction into the level wherever they recovered the bodies of Prosper's 3 household members.
His younger sister, Giselle, was recovered underneath a eating array successful the surviving room, looking "as if she had been trying to hide".
Kyle Prosper's decease was peculiarly "shocking" arsenic helium had sustained much than 100 weapon wounds.
Teen filmed buying weapon time earlier sidesplitting family
Mr Cray said Prosper had deceived a backstage weapon seller online utilizing a forged shotgun licence to get his gun.
He paid £650 positive £30 petrol wealth to the antheral for the shotgun and 100 cartridges.
Prosper considered stabbing the seller and taking the weapon but decided not to arsenic it meant the man's woman would person witnessed it.
He besides admitted to purchasing oregon acquiring a shotgun without a certificate, possessing a firearm with intent to endanger beingness and possessing an nonfiction with a leaf oregon point.
Nicholas Prosper had planned to termination children astatine his erstwhile superior school
Former teachers described Prosper arsenic a "geeky" lad who was into computers.
By February 2023, determination were concerns astir his intelligence wellness and successful March that year, helium dropped retired of schoolhouse and his A-level studies.
"Whilst unemployed his beingness seemed to revolve astir going to the gym and spending clip unsocial connected his computers," Mr Cray said.
Forensic psychiatrist Dr Iain Kooyman concluded the suspect showed each the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but was undiagnosed.
He recovered Prosper had an "extreme lack" of empathy and remorse - thing that could not beryllium explained by ASD alone.
Nicholas Prosper wanted to beryllium remembered by the distinctive achromatic and yellowish outfit helium wore during the schoolhouse attack
Prosper's net past showed helium had researched wide shootings astir the world.
The suspect had started planning, oregon astatine slightest reasoning about, the killings arsenic aboriginal arsenic Autumn 2023.
He searched for reports connected the Manchester bombing, psychosexual stages and "why bash radical plead not blameworthy erstwhile it's obvious".
In the hours earlier sidesplitting his family, Prosper researched shotgun wounds, necrophilia and the upwind connected the time of the attack.
After his arrest, helium told a aesculapian practitioner helium was going to termination his parent past his brother, earlier shooting and raping his sister, but Ms Falcon had "messed it up" by waking up.
In a typed program of the attack, helium described it arsenic "one of the biggest events ever".
PA Media
Police forced introduction into a level successful Leabank connected Luton's Marsh Farm estate
In his YouTube video, helium referred to The Walking Dead video crippled but Mr Cray said Prosper was not "solely oregon adjacent chiefly motivated" by the that, owed to his probe of wide killers.
In a manus written note, helium said helium had wanted clip to "cannibalise my family, and rape a pistillate astatine weapon constituent earlier the shooting".
"Why?" Because I could," helium concluded.
The authoritative added: "His stated intent was to execute nationalist and planetary notoriety arsenic 1 of the largest azygous incidental murderers successful transgression history."
PA Media
Floral tributes were laid pursuing the find of the bodies of Prosper's mother, member and sister
Prosper, who wore a grey T-shirt, attended his proceeding wearing achromatic rimmed glasses.
He was visibly uncomfortable astatine times during the hearing, holding his caput successful his hands and covering his ears arsenic grounds was work out.
The tribunal was told Prosper's parents had separated erstwhile helium was 9 years aged and the narration helium has with his begetter was "strained".
A connection written by Ray Prosper, his begetter and erstwhile hubby of Juliana Falcon, was work retired connected his behalf by Mr Cray.
He said: "The symptom of our nonaccomplishment volition ne'er beryllium healed, this includes my full family.
"Our lives volition ne'er beryllium the same.
"When I heard the horrendous quality that day, portion of my psyche died too. This is simply a lose-lose concern for america each and we person mislaid 4 household members."
Julia Quenzler/BBC
Prosper became progressively agitated portion helium was sat successful court
Mitigating, David Bentley KC told the tribunal Prosper had "retreated into a harmful, net world" and was "isolated from the existent world".
He argued Prosper was surviving with an undiagnosed neurological improvement upset successful ASD, lacked immoderate erstwhile convictions and stressed his young property indispensable beryllium taken into account.
Judge Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb adjourned the proceeding until Wednesday erstwhile she is owed to walk sentence.
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