Teenage Brains: What Is Happening and Why It Leads to More Risky Behaviors - Neuroscience News

1 year ago 34

Summary: Decision-making requires 2 antithetic encephalon areas that mature astatine antithetic times during the teenage years. This whitethorn assistance parents recognize wherefore their teens are much prone to making risky decisions.

Source: The Conversation

It’s not casual being a teenager. Once adolescence arrives, navigating caller skills such arsenic managing emotions, gaining much independency from parents and the work of decisions marque it a challenging time.

Boys and girls volition experiment, instrumentality risks, marque mistakes and yet go adults. And erstwhile we deliberation of adolescence, immoderate of the issues that travel to caput are drinking, temper swings, maltreatment of integer technologies and societal networks, archetypal intersexual relations, drugs, unwanted pregnancies, fights.

It is simply a analyzable signifier successful beingness that erstwhile we are adults we conflict to retrieve and often don’t understand.

For adults that unrecorded oregon enactment with teenagers determination is besides a challenge. But knowing however teenagers spot the satellite oregon what makes them behave successful a definite mode is important. And portion of this is knowing the improvement cues that assistance them to specify their idiosyncratic and intersexual identity, and larn however to beryllium portion of a adjacent radical – disengaging emotionally from parents to fto friends commencement to conscionable their affectional needs more.

Pleasure seeking

Scientific advances successful neuroscience assistance america recognize however adolescents transportation out the decision-making process. Perhaps the astir important uncovering is that they bash truthful with a encephalon that is inactive developing, truthful not each of its competencies are afloat acquired. And this tin pb to mistakes.

During adolescence, determination are galore situations that necessitate making decisions: trying thing new, approaching different idiosyncratic we find charismatic oregon transgressing a regularisation established by the family. All these decisions impact 2 areas of the encephalon that mature astatine precise antithetic times.

The mesolimbic system that is liable for, among different things, regulating our body’s reward system. This strategy reinforces the repetition of behaviours that make pleasance – specified arsenic partying with friends – oregon endurance behaviours – specified arsenic drinking h2o from clip to clip oregon connected precise blistery days. Activation of the mesolimbic strategy is partially mediated by hormone production. This is wherefore during adolescence its activation is precise high.

The prefrontal cortex is besides a cardinal country of the encephalon astatine this time, which is liable for enforcement functions specified arsenic impulse regularisation and self-control. One of its functions is to measure the consequences of a behaviour. The prefrontal cortex, however, is successful improvement during our teen years. This means determination is simply a maturity shortage successful the encephalon regions that are liable for behavioural control.

This imbalance, which successful the technological lit is called the Dual Systems Model, is cardinal to knowing wherefore adolescents sometimes marque the decisions they do. In their heads, a highly activated pleasure-seeking strategy is combined with a processing conscious behavioural regularisation system.

In short, it is the cleanable operation for teenagers to prosecute successful behaviours that adults see risky.

Feeling portion of a group

In summation to idiosyncratic development, the societal satellite of adolescents is besides cardinal astatine this stage.

In these years, peers go a cardinal portion of socialisation and learning. Boys and girls don’t disengage wholly from family, but they do expand their societal circle. Increasingly, they look for trust, enactment and information successful their friends.

Adapting and adjusting one’s behaviour to beryllium portion of, and consciousness integrated into, that radical becomes a priority. And radical norms will, to a ample extent, modulate idiosyncratic behaviour. What others spot arsenic affirmative and accepted volition beryllium desired and repeated. What is censored oregon seen arsenic antagonistic volition beryllium repressed.

In this way, processing teenagers volition effort to conform to what they presume the radical expects of them portion facing elements specified arsenic adjacent unit – that is, the power that the societal radical is capable to exert connected a idiosyncratic – oregon even “imaginary hearing”, a diagnostic of teen cognitive improvement that makes them deliberation that others are ever looking astatine them, assessing and judging their actions.

The relation of adults

Adolescent improvement is a analyzable process with precise peculiar characteristics. They cannot yet beryllium considered arsenic adults, but childish behaviours are besides being near acold behind. Risk-taking has been, and inactive is, diagnostic of adolescence.

During adolescence, determination are galore situations that necessitate making decisions: trying thing new, approaching different idiosyncratic we find charismatic oregon transgressing a regularisation established by the family. Image is successful the nationalist domain

However, this signifier does not person to beryllium stormy, neither for them nor for the adults successful their life, if we recognize what is happening and wherefore they enactment successful this peculiar way. And managing hard situations is besides easier if we tin springiness them circumstantial tools and support. Here are 3 tips from technological studies:

  1. Making mistakes and taking definite risks is an teen process: the important happening is to larn from them.
  2. The encephalon improvement of this property group means that the pleasance of experimenting with definite risky behaviours prevents a due appraisal of their consequences. It is indispensable to explain, cautiously and with understanding, what these consequences are.
  3. Adolescents request to consciousness escaped to experimentation and marque mistakes, but they besides request to cognize the limits and consequences. Although they privation to beryllium independent, they inactive request to consciousness cared for by the adults.

The teen position is precise antithetic from the big perspective. Understanding their constituent of presumption and valuing it arsenic specified is fundamental. They request to consciousness listened to and, supra all, understood, portion they navigate what tin beryllium a hard time.


Carmen Viejo receives backing from the Andalusia FEDER Operational Programme 2014-2020 (project: Psycho-evolutionary and Educational Process of Adolescent Courtship: Sentimental Competence and Social Adjustment, UCO-1380774) and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, telephone for R+D+i 2020 projects (project: Challenges and risks successful teen erotic-sentimental experiences: the multidimensionality of Sentimental Competence successful the model of Courtship, PID2020-119855RA-I00).

Noemí Toledano Fernández receives backing from the Andalusia FEDER Operational Programme 2014-2020 (project: Psycho-evolutionary and Educational Process of Adolescent Courtship: Sentimental Competence and Social Adjustment, UCO-1380774) and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, telephone for R+D+i 2020 projects (project: Challenges and risks successful teen erotic-sentimental experiences: the multidimensionality of Sentimental Competence successful the model of Courtship, PID2020-119855RA-I00).

About this neurodevelopment and risk-taking probe news

Author: Carmen Viejo and Noemí Toledano Fernández
Source: The Conversation
Contact: Carmen Viejo and Noemí Toledano Fernández – The Conversation
Image: The representation is successful the nationalist domain

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