
2 years ago 54

Ready to unlock your afloat tennis potential?

The TennisFit app is designed to assistance you scope your tennis goals — nary substance what they are — by giving you the Pros guidance with implicit 350+ sessions including tennis biomechanics sessions, tennis fittingness workouts & self-training sessions - each that you request to consciousness much assured for your adjacent tennis lucifer oregon if you conscionable privation to amended your game.

Made for each nine tennis players, tennis workouts including however to hole sessions, tennis shot instrumentality exercises, tennis partition exercises, bid with a spouse drills, astir effectual tennis legs and tennis halfway exercises that you tin bash with minimum to nary equipment.

You tin besides entree “PLB Tennis Method® Academy” loaded with countless sessions covering each azygous country successful your game.

TennisFit App was designed by satellite people tennis manager Jan Metelka who had helped implicit 2000 Club tennis players truthful you besides present person the accidental to yet bid connected your ain and unlock your afloat tennis potential!


The TennisFit App includes:

• ATP Pros Biomechanics sessions based connected PLB Tennis Method® covering each azygous changeable method and however you tin amended it

• Tennis Fitness workouts covering the astir important areas similar - strength, speed, agility, flexibility, cardio that volition massively assistance you successful your adjacent match

• Self-training drills, truthful you tin present bid connected your ain with a tennis shot machine, astatine a tennis partition oregon with your grooming partner

• All workouts are suitable for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels

Access to PLB Tennis Method® Academy wherever you tin hole your strokes based connected Tennis Pro guidance + TennisFix - changeable analysis.

• TennisFit Podcast covering caput set, tactical and inspirational sessions to assistance you scope your goals


Challenge yourself to guided tennis workouts that you tin bash virtually anywhere, anytime. All you request is simply a tennis tribunal and your smartphone. Most workouts tin beryllium done connected your ain which was our extremity erstwhile designing it.


I can’t hold to assistance your game!

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