'The Earth is Us' on view this month at the Cultural Arts Center - The Columbus Dispatch

2 years ago 83

Nancy Gilson  |  Special to The Columbus Dispatch

Few artists are much resourceful than those dedicated to celebrating and protecting our planet.

In “The Earth is Us: Forging a New Relationship,” connected presumption done Oct. 29, successful the Main Gallery astatine the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center, 12 artists marque usage of recycled materials to make works that some marvel astatine the wonders of the satellite and pass of the captious issues facing it.

Exhibit curator Char Norman, moving from an thought presented by Main Gallery coordinator Tom Baillieul, selected artists whose works would research a “symbiotic narration with the world and clasp eco-psychology.” The effect is an inventive, imaginative enactment of works made with astonishing materials and offering a assortment of themes.

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In her installation “Distortion,” Anita Maharjan weaves unneurotic integrative bags and insubstantial towels, discarded furniture sheets and insubstantial (all representing a consumerist society) to signifier a elephantine inchworm similar creature, meandering implicit the assemblage floor. Maharjan likewise uses integrative bags to make the graceful partition sculpture, “Disruption.”

Making usage of adjacent much improbable materials is Kyle Downs whose “Sport #1” and “Sport #2” are made from strands of discarded basketballs. The works are gorgeous with their bright-orange-and-blue colors. Impossibly, “Sport 2” resembles a Southwestern rug.

Priscilla Roggenkamp employs recycled covering for her elegant and melodramatic four-part partition hanging “We Are Elemental: Earth, Air, Water, Fire.”

In the halfway of the gallery, Catherine Bell Smith has installed 12 podiums, each topped with a crystal shot and each including dozens of tiny medallions made of recycled plastic. (Visitors are encouraged to instrumentality 1 home.) Above this installation, titled “Marking Time (a non-zero-sum solution)” are hanging balls of tumbleweeds. Gathering objects some earthy and man-made facilitates Bell Smith successful her exploration of nature.

In his partition sculpture “ONUS,” Bruce Robinson incorporates a h2o filter to stress the similarities betwixt humans (composed of 61% water) and the Earth (71% water).

Jacklyn Brickman and Kathryn Logan collaborate connected a video piece, “A Compendium of Pathway Encounters,” mostly created astatine Woodward Nature Preserve successful Columbus.

Of Casey Bradley’s respective pieces successful the grounds possibly astir striking is “Hand to Earth (Spiritus),” created of formed bronze and wood bark. What looks similar a perpendicular, rotting log evolves into a quality digit pointing down.

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In her “Belonging to Soil” pieces, Amy M. Youngs celebrates the humble arthropod springtail, a burrowing insect that helps to physique steadfast soil. Using her virtual world headset, visitors tin spell underground with the insect or, done magnifying glasses, instrumentality a look astatine the existent things scurrying astir successful terrariums.

The grounds extends into the Cultural Arts Center courtyard, wherever Celeste Malvar-Stewart has dressed a mannequin with earthy fibers, plants and seeds soon to sprout successful "Grassroots." Also, hanging from trees successful the courtyard are Ron Shelton’s agleam yellowish “Wasp Nests” built of integrative from feline litter containers. Inside the gallery, Shelton continues utilizing the colour yellowish arsenic an biology informing successful “Yellow Waterfall,” a monolithic sculpture built of integrative shreds.

Yet to travel successful different determination is simply a question and dependable installation, created by Daric Gill, that volition beryllium connected presumption aboriginal this autumn astatine the Center of Science and Industry, 333 W. Broad St. The portion promises to accent the narration betwixt biology subject and art.

“The Earth is Us” is simply a fascinating grounds created by artists, galore of whom person connections to the Columbus College of Art & Design. Kudos to them for caring capable astir the Earth to usage their talents to item its challenges and marvels.


At a glance

“The Earth is Us: Forging a New Relationship” continues done Oct. 29, astatine the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center, 139 W. Main St. Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 10 p.m. Mondays; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays done Thursdays; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Admission is free. Call 614-645-7047 oregon sojourn www.culturalartscenteronline.org.

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