The Impact of Dobbs on Medical Education and the Pipeline From OB/GYN Training to Clinical Practice - Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

2 years ago 83

Among the contiguous impacts of the Dobbs v. Jackson determination connected the American wellness attraction scenery are profound challenges for the acquisition and grooming ecosystem for physicians, peculiarly those entering obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), who correspond a important proportionality of physicians providing household readying and termination services. Family planning, contraception counseling and termination services are required elements of OB/GYN residency curricula and grooming programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the nationalist accrediting assemblage for each postgraduate aesculapian acquisition programs successful the United States.

State limitations oregon bans connected termination services resulting from Dobbs complicate the quality of residency programs to conscionable their accreditation requirements and to postgraduate afloat trained OB/GYN physicians. The compounded impacts connected undergraduate aesculapian schoolhouse acquisition and postgraduate residency grooming volition undoubtedly make a semipermanent daze to the proviso of OB/GYN physicians successful the United States overall, not conscionable for those who supply termination services. With galore parts of the federation facing doc shortages, the interaction connected entree to each OB/GYN attraction successful definite geographies could beryllium catastrophic.

In a caller achromatic paper, Manatt Health describes the interaction of Dobbs on aesculapian schools and accredited OB/GYN residency programs. It besides organizes the known consequences and unfastened questions stemming from Dobbs and states’ actions to severely restrict oregon prohibition abortion, including the effect connected the pipeline of physicians specializing successful OB/GYN successful the United States.

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