The lost room:horror escape ro

2 years ago 79

The mislaid room:horror flight ro

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Get Lost successful the forest, but the nighttime is coming.

You're a miss who is looking for her location and parents. What are the creatures you met? Friend? Vicious monster? Or thing that nary 1 knows?
Puzzles travel to you 1 aft another, and the choices you person to make. What leads you to the last, is ever yourself.
Go and lick the puzzles, to uncover the information of the wood and marque wide what has happened. To get distant from the Lost Paradise!

Dark and horrible 2D manus drafting makes you consciousness immersive.
The caller and challengeable puzzles! Challenge yourself!
A communicative with much than 1 end! Explore to decorativeness the aggregate ends to unlock the achievements!
The sequel of the Lost Paradise! Relatively autarkic communicative volition pull you whether you've ever played preceding production!


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