Thyroid Dysfunction May Linger a Year After Severe COVID-19 - Medscape

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Dr Ilaria Muller

MONTREAL — Patients hospitalized with terrible COVID-19 and nary anterior past of thyroid dysfunction amusement signs of thyroiditis that, though asymptomatic, proceed to persist for up to a twelvemonth aft infection, according to probe that adds to grounds connected the analyzable engagement of the thyroid successful COVID-19.

"To our cognition these findings are novel," archetypal writer Ilaria Muller, MD, PhD, an adjunct prof successful endocrinology successful the Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Italy, told Medscape Medical News.

"Little has been written astir the semipermanent follow-up of thyroid relation aft terrible COVID-19 illness and we person followed patients up to 1 twelvemonth aft infection."

The effects are seen successful astir 10% to 15% of patients, and "[while] the thyroid dysfunction is transient, ultrasound areas of thyroiditis whitethorn persist aft 1 year, adjacent if they progressively shrink," said Muller, who presented the findings astatine the American Thyroid Association (ATA) 2022 Annual Meeting.

Immunological Scars? Clinical Implications Unclear

The nature and implications of the persistent thyroiditis areas are uncertain, Muller noted. "These areas of thyroiditis are apt a benignant of 'immunologic scar' of the erstwhile SARS-CoV-2 infection," she explained. "We inactive don't cognize if determination are objective implications, adjacent if they look unlikely."

Of note, increases successful autoimmune processes oregon a higher incidence of thyroid dysfunction aft COVID-19 person not been observed, and the shrinkage of the areas of thyroiditis implicit clip is encouraging, she said.

The reasons wherefore immoderate patients make atypical thyroiditis and others don't are besides unclear, with Muller's squad investigating further. Importantly, akin effects person been associated with different terrible infections, not conscionable COVID-19. "It is good known that successful classical subacute thyroiditis owed to different viral infections, the areas of thyroiditis persist for months, truthful this improvement mightiness not beryllium unsocial to COVID-19," she explained.

Commenting connected the story, Jeffrey R. Garber, MD, besides noted that specified thyroiditis areas stemming from different types of corruption whitethorn persist — but spell unnoticed.

"Resolution is the objective rule, [and] we mostly bash not restudy successful item those who clinically recover," helium told Medscape Medical News. "However, determination is grounds of impaired thyroid reserve successful those who retrieve from viral thyroiditis owed to different sources."

"Thyroid symptoms are often not specific, truthful 'atypical' [cases] are common, [and] solution with restoring thyroid presumption to mean is mixed," noted Garber, an subordinate prof of medicine astatine Harvard Medical School and main of the Division of Endocrinology astatine Atrius Health successful Boston, Massachusetts.

In presumption of objective practice, portion specified issues should beryllium kept successful caput erstwhile evaluating abnormal thyroid tests during terrible COVID-19, "it is not a telephone for routinely checking it successful the lack of objective suspicion," helium observed.

Study Details

Muller and her squad antecedently observed that patients hospitalized successful intensive attraction with COVID-19 often had debased oregon suppressed serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, with and without elevated escaped thyroxine concentrations, suggestive of thyrotoxicosis.

Upon investigating those cases, they found, arsenic successful their erstwhile study reported by Medscape Medical News, that a painless, atypical thyroiditis occurs with nonthyroidal unwellness syndrome among patients hospitalized with terrible COVID-19. The atypical thyroiditis was somewhat much communal successful men and was associated with lymphopenia.

To further analyse those cases and travel patients up to 1 year, the squad conducted a longitudinal survey of 183 patients hospitalized with terrible COVID-19 successful Italy. The patients, who had nary known anterior past of thyroid dysfunction, were assessed for serum thyroid function, autoantibodies, and inflammatory markers.

At baseline, 10% of the patients were recovered to person thyrotoxicosis, and ultrasound performed wrong 2 to 3 months post-infection connected 65 patients showed that 18 (28%) had areas of thyroiditis.

Importantly, 60% of those patients with the areas of thyroiditis had debased TSH levels, portion 25% had mean TSH levels (P = .034).

In addition, those showing the beingness of thyroiditis connected ultrasound astatine 2 to 3 months were much apt to person elevated serum concentrations of FT4 (P = .018) and higher levels of interleukin-26 (P = .016), compared with those with mean ultrasound readings.

In a longitudinal investigation further pursuing patients post-infection, among 15 patients who were evaluated astatine 6 months, most, 13 (87%), inactive had areas of thyroiditis, and 6 of 12 (50%) had thyroiditis areas that, though reduced successful size, inactive persisted adjacent astatine 12 months.

In presumption of thyroid uptake, astatine 3 months, 14 of 17 patients (82%) had diffused oregon focal areas of a simplification of uptake. After 6 months, determination was a recovery, with a median of 28% of thyroid uptake recovered, however, 67% of patients inactive had immoderate focal oregon diffused simplification successful thyroid uptake.

Of note, the indications of thyroiditis connected imaging persisted adjacent though patients' TSH levels had rapidly normalized astatine the extremity of corruption and remained mean up to 1 twelvemonth of follow-up.

The patients showed nary evident improvement of thyroglobulin antibody, thyroid peroxidase antibodies, oregon TSH receptor antibodies.

A further good needle aspiration (FNA) investigation of 8 patients with atypical thyroiditis astatine 3 months aft corruption showed that those patients had insubstantial nonmigratory representation T cells (CD4+/CD8+/CD103+/CD69+) wrong the thyroid, but not successful the humor arsenic expected.

Additional assessments astatine 8 months aft corruption showed those insubstantial nonmigratory representation T cells continued to beryllium contiguous connected imaging.

The results showed "SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were enriched wrong the thyroid compared with the blood, galore with a insubstantial nonmigratory phenotype," Muller explained.

The findings are notable successful that "such an in-depth characterization of areas of thyroiditis triggered by SARS-CoV-2 corruption combining ultrasound, scintigraphy, and immunological phenotyping has not been performed truthful far," she said.

"In particular, SARS-CoV-2 circumstantial tissue-resident representation T lymphocytes person not been described earlier successful the thyroid gland."

Muller and Garber person reported nary applicable fiscal relationships.

ATA 2022 Annual Meeting. Oral Abstract 12. Presented October 21, 2022.

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