Tim Allen gives update on Jay Leno's recovery after former Tonight Show host is injured in car fire - Daily Mail

2 years ago 50

Jay Leno is recovering and his look is looking 'great' successful the aftermath of a caller car occurrence the comic was injured in, his person Tim Allen said Thursday.

Allen, 69, visited Leno Thursday astatine the Grossman Burn Center successful West Hills, California, and chatted with photographers arsenic helium exited the facility.

'His look looks great,' the Home Improvement prima said of Leno, who was suffered burns to his look and hands erstwhile a car successful his Burbank store burst into flames Saturday.

The latest: Tim Allen, 69, said his person Jay Leno, 72, is recovering and his look volition not amusement immoderate large effects from the caller car occurrence helium was injured in 

Allen joked that the one-time big of The Tonight Show volition lucifer George Clooney erstwhile he's done recovering. He added, 'He's handsome and he's blessed and the infirmary is doing a large job.'

Allen said, 'Jay is bully - it's fantastic due to the fact that he's feeling better, feeling better,' adding that helium took Leno 'his car magazines' to look astatine portion helium recovers.

Allen said helium and his longtime person bonded implicit wit successful his sojourn to the aesculapian facility.

'We did immoderate jokes - which is what we bash - we commiserated,' helium said. 'We conscionable connected arsenic friends and that's the 1 happening you tin do.'

Allen said, 'Jay is bully - it's fantastic due to the fact that he's feeling better, feeling better,' adding that helium took Leno 'his car magazines' to look astatine portion helium recovers.

Allen said helium and his longtime person bonded implicit wit successful his sojourn to the aesculapian facility 

The bully friends were pictured unneurotic successful a 2016 occurrence of Jay Leno's Garage 

The Santa Clauses prima connected Wednesday told USA Today astir a erstwhile telephone telephone helium had with Leno successful the aftermath of his accident.

He said Leno told him, '"Yeah, I got burned beauteous bad." I said, "But you're connected the phone. I would beryllium crying successful the infirmary if I was burned." He goes, "Yeah, it's beauteous bad." "Do you person nary cardinal tense system? I don't recognize how’re you talking connected the phone." But he's doing alright.' 

Leno antecedently said  that a fast-thinking person saved his beingness aft a gasoline occurrence broke retired successful his luxury LA store connected Saturday arsenic the 1 clip king of precocious nighttime faces the anticipation of needing tegument grafts. 

Allen was a impermanent connected Leno's The Tonight Show aggregate times, the last being successful 2014

The comedic colleagues were pictured unneurotic successful 2005 astatine a Hollywood event 

Allen joked that the one-time big of The Tonight Show volition lucifer George Clooney erstwhile he's done recovering

Leno with 1907 White Steam Car - George Swift, an worker for the comedian, told ET that it was a steam car that sent Leno to the hospital

The erstwhile Tonight Show host, 72, was astatine his Los Angeles mansion erstwhile 1 of the vehicles 'erupted into flames without warning' - with sources telling TMZ the near broadside of his look was burned.

In a connection Leno said: 'I got immoderate superior burns from a gasoline fire. I americium ok. Just request a week oregon 2 to get backmost connected my feet.'

He aboriginal told TMZ that it was his friend, Dave, who saved his life, by jumping connected him and smothering the flames. 

The Grossman Burn Center wherever Leno is being treated, helium referred to the aesculapian halfway arsenic the 'best successful the United States'

In a connection Leno (pictured successful a changeable connected his Instagram yesterday) said: 'I got immoderate superior burns from a gasoline fire. I americium ok. Just request a week oregon 2 to get backmost connected my feet'

Jay Leno's Garage warehouse successful Los Angeles wherever the mishap that near Leno with superior burns happened past Saturday

The big said that helium was repairing a clogged substance enactment erstwhile helium got sprayed connected his hands and look with gasoline.  

Leno was taken to the pain ward at Grossman Burn Center according to TMZ, with his oculus and ear not affected by the fire. On Monday, Page Six reported that Leno whitethorn request tegument grafts arsenic a effect of the burns. 

George Swift, a mechanic successful the comedian's idiosyncratic garage, told ET that it was a steam car that sent Leno to the hospital. 

'It was a steam car. This steam was made by gas. It got sprayed, arsenic a gas,' Swift, a mechanic who works astatine the garage, said.  

'He called me, and helium told maine determination was a occurrence and the occurrence section is coming,' the worker continued. 

In a abstracted interrogation with Access Hollywood, Swift said that Leno is 'going to beryllium fine.' He added: 'It's thing life-threatening. He's successful large spirits, but you know, it's going to instrumentality a while.' 

He joined President Biden astatine the concealed work grooming crushed to sermon hot-rodding and the aboriginal of electrical cars earlier this year

The Burbank Fire Department besides spoke with ET and confirmed that they were dispatched to Leno's luxury store astir 12.30pm Saturday for reports of a fire. 

Upon arriving astatine the country successful the 3100 artifact of North Damon Way, 'one big male' was assessed and treated. 

Leno was transported to a section exigency country and past taken to the Grossman Burn Center for further care. 

A spokesperson for the aesculapian halfway told People: 'Jay wants everyone to cognize that helium is successful unchangeable information and receiving attraction ... for burns that helium received to his look and hands from a gasoline mishap successful his store implicit the weekend.'

She continued: ' He is successful bully wit and is touched by each the inquiries into his information and good wishes. [He] wants to fto everyone cognize helium is doing good and is successful "the champion pain halfway successful the United States."'

The Burbank Police Department told DailyMail.com that they were not called to the country of the fire.  

Leno had antecedently shared details connected his extended postulation of Barrons.com, sharing much details connected however helium acquired the batch of old-school cars. 

The steam cars, which helium had said are 'reliable and dependable,' necessitate a boiler to vigor h2o to steam which past is utilized to thrust a piston that turns the vehicle's wheels.

In 2021, the 'Tonight Show' seasoned was really stopped successful his 1906 Stanley Steamer for speeding connected Interstate 405 successful California. 

Leno’s steam postulation includes 'cars, stationary engines, and adjacent an tremendous Advance steam tractor,' according to the 2021 communicative published by Barrons. 

Following the incidental wrong his store Saturday, he canceled a show in Las Vegas scheduled for the adjacent time aft lawsuit organizers revealed helium suffered a 'serious aesculapian emergency.'

An email to Forum 2022 attendees from The Financial Brand and obtained by People  read: 'His household was not capable to supply america precise galore details, but determination was a precise superior aesculapian exigency that is preventing Jay from traveling.

'All we cognize is that helium is alive, truthful our prayers spell retired to him and his household tonight.' It is understood Leno has canceled his engagement for the week arsenic a precaution, aft being rushed to hospital.

Jay Leno's Garage posted a representation of the big posing wrong of his store with 3 of his extended car postulation yesterday connected Instagram.

The prima has much than 180 vehicles including exotic cars, hypercars and museum-grade artifacts, according to US News & World Report.

His postulation includes vehicles which are some affordable and attainable, with the big of Jay Leno's Garage having an affinity for centrifugal vehicles.

It is not the archetypal clip the prima has enactment himself astatine hazard with his beloved vehicles, arsenic helium was near visibly shaken aft getting in a car clang portion filming the CNBC amusement successful 2016 with legendary stunt operator Bob Riggle.

Both ended up upside down aft Riggle mislaid power and the car rolled over, though neither were hurt.

Leno - whose oculus and receptor was not affected successful the blaze - has been taken to the pain ward astatine Grossman Burn Center

The erstwhile Tonight Show presenter missed an quality astatine a fiscal league - with an email to Forum 2022 attendees from The Financial Brand and obtained by People confirming the prima is successful ill-health

The prima has an extended postulation of cars, and was moving connected 1 astatine the clip of the incident

Leno enjoys showing disconnected his extended postulation of cars, which are kept successful pristine information successful his store - with this brace of Buick Roadsters being his archetypal cars erstwhile helium moved to LA

The prima is pictured with woman Mavis successful 2013, and boasts an awesome car postulation of much than 180 vehicles

In 2019, helium spoke astir his conflict with precocious cholesterin aft helium was shown a scan of a blockage successful his heart. 

Working successful collaboration with Cholesterol 911, helium urged others to overhaul their lifestyles. 

He said; 'We truly privation radical to spot the connection, due to the fact that a batch of radical don't recognize precocious cholesterin — and if you've had a bosom onslaught oregon stroke, you're expanding your hazard for different one. 

'It's similar an earthquake, it mightiness not destruct the house, but it surely weakens the structure.' 

'There's a batch of radical walking astir similar that, they're conscionable clip bombs. You've got each this cholesterol, you don't recognize it until it really hits, you know?

'It's similar successful a car, if adjacent 1 portion of ungraded gets successful the oculus of the needle of the jet, and roar and nary much state comes through. And that's what happens with your heart.'

He has antecedently elaborate taking medicine and utilizing a portable EKG instrumentality that monitors his bosom bushed and detects irregular heartbeats. 

Leno added: 'I'm not 1 of those guys. I don't tally 5 miles a time and bash each that benignant of stuff. 

'Hopefully I'm appealing to radical who deliberation similar me, which is astir apt the bulk of the population, who would similar to bash much but not if it sounds similar benignant of a pain. 

Iconic TV big Jay Leno, 72, confirmed that helium suffered superior facial burns and been hospitalized aft a car successful his store acceptable alight connected Saturday 

A Mercer Type 35J 'Raceabout' was the archetypal wide produced dual intent sports/race car produced successful the pre WW1 epoch and volition acceptable you backmost astir 1 cardinal USD and is portion of Jay Leno's extended car collection

The prima was joined by Joe Biden connected an occurrence of his amusement successful October, with the thrill-seeking president pushing his beloved Corvette to implicit 100mph portion resistance racing

Biden besides appeared successful Leno's car-centric tv amusement portion helium was vice president, successful October 2016

'But this is not a pain, it's truly simple. You spell to the doctor, it's a speedy visit, helium tin archer you what you request to do.'

The prima was joined by Joe Biden connected an occurrence of his amusement successful October, with the thrill-seeking president pushing his beloved Corvette to implicit 100mph portion resistance racing.

Biden and Leno reunited this summer, and drove his 1967 Corvette Stingray astir the James J. Rowley Secret Service grooming installation successful Beltsville, Maryland.

The president whizzed astir astatine astounding speeds of 118 mph successful beforehand of the camera, portion helium admitted that helium missed being capable to thrust himself astir portion surviving successful the White House.

Biden besides appeared successful Leno's car-centric tv amusement portion helium was vice president, successful October 2016.

The president, who often discusses his emotion of cars, raced Colin Powell successful that occurrence - earlier Powell died October past twelvemonth astatine 84.

In 2016, Powell mislaid the contention to Biden, and Michael, 59, said helium intended to avenge his begetter – saying helium would 'settle the score'.

Michael was driving a 2015 Corvette with 455 horsepower V8 motor and eight-speed automatic transmission, worthy $55,000.

Biden was racing him successful his $150,000 1967 Stingray, with 350 horsepower and a four-speed manual gearbox.

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