Tracking blobs in the turbulent edge plasma of a tokamak fusion device | Scientific Reports -

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Due to the tremendous quantity of vigor released by the fusion reaction, the virtually inexhaustible substance proviso connected earth, and its carbon-free nature, atomic fusion is simply a highly desirable vigor root with the imaginable to assistance trim the adverse effects of clime change. Fusion probe is, therefore, an ongoing worldwide effort1,2.

In bid to attack the conditions indispensable for capable fusion reactivity, the fuel—a substance of dense isotopes of hydrogen—must beryllium raised to highly precocious temperatures, supra 100 cardinal degrees Celsius1,3—for comparison, the halfway of the prima is astir 15 cardinal degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, the fuel, similar each stars, is successful the plasma authorities and indispensable beryllium isolated from worldly surfaces. Several confinement schemes person been explored implicit the past 70 years. Of these, the tokamak device, a strategy archetypal developed successful the 1950s, is the best-performing fusion reactor plan conception to day . It uses almighty magnetic fields of respective to implicit 10 Tesla to confine the blistery plasma—for comparison, this is respective times the tract spot of magnetic resonance imaging machines (MRIs). The Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV)4, sited astatine EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland and shown successful Fig. 1, is an illustration of specified a instrumentality and provides the information presented here.

Figure 1
figure 1

The schematic of the Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV) (left) and its interior (right). Credits: EPFL (left) and A. Herzog, EPFL (right).

The probe addressed successful this insubstantial involves phenomena that hap astir the bound of the magnetically confined plasma wrong TCV. The bound is wherever the magnetic field-line geometry transitions from being “closed” to “open”. The “closed” portion is wherever the tract lines bash not intersect worldly surfaces, forming closed flux surfaces. The “open” portion is wherever the tract lines yet intersect worldly surfaces, resulting successful a accelerated nonaccomplishment of the particles and vigor that scope those tract lines. Around this bound (called the Last Closed Flux Surface oregon LCFS) is simply a portion of enhanced turbulent transport crossed the tract lines (“perpendicular” transport). Therefore, the transport occurring present is of large involvement due to the fact that of its relation successful plasma confinement and dealing with the exhaust vigor and particle loads connected the intersected worldly surfaces.

Researchers usage a method called Gas-Puff Imaging (GPI)5 to visualize the phenomena occurring astatine and astir the plasma bound successful some abstraction and time. A tiny magnitude of neutral state is locally injected into the portion of interest. The visible-light emissions resulting from the enactment of the plasma with this state unreality are captured on show lines that are tangential to the section magnetic field. Analysis of the clip sequences of the images produced by this method is the superior taxable of this work. At TCV, the 2D GPI information are collected astatine framework rates of \(\sim\) 2 MHz, importantly faster than the turbulence timescales of interest. The images correspond what is occurring perpendicular to the absorption of the section magnetic tract lines. This is illustrated schematically successful Figure 2 (left), showing cross-sections of plasma flux surfaces and the TCV vacuum vessel. (The center-line of this toroidally symmetric plasma geometry is to the near of the figure.) A \(\sim 50 \times 40\) mm cross-section of plasma, spanning the LCFS astatine the outer borderline of the plasma, is imaged with a \(12 \times 10\) pixel array. The images’ question from near to close increases the radial coordinate and moves distant from the closed flux surfaces. The astir salient features successful the representation sequences are (1) a agleam set of emanation that is aligned with the LCFS and (2) the expulsion of features from the LCFS portion that are brighter than their surroundings and the consequent question of these features. In the literature, these features are commonly called “filaments” (because they are really extended successful the 3rd dimension, on the magnetic tract lines) oregon “blobs” (because of their quality successful cross-section successful the images)6. These filaments are beardown perturbations (of bid 1) successful the section plasma conditions, with elevated electron somesthesia and density7,8. They person emblematic auto-correlation times of astir 10 \(\upmu\)s and, therefore, tin beryllium arsenic chiseled features for aggregate frames, but their signifier and strength tin gradually alteration frame-to-frame. In this work, we are chiefly funny successful the detection and tracking of these “blob” features.

Figure 2
figure 2

Cross-section of a plasma successful the Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV) with the locations of Gas Puff Imaging (GPI) views adjacent the Last Closed Flux Surface (LCFS) (left). Snapshot of experimental GPI information capturing a blob connected the right-hand broadside moving radially outward (middle). Here bare (white) spots correspond to dormant GPI views. The brightness level is coded successful the colour barroom to the right, with debased arsenic bluish and precocious arsenic yellow. Snapshot of synthetic information capturing a blob moving radially outward (right). A Gaussian ellipse represents the blob with a large and insignificant axis marked by perpendicular achromatic lines.

The superior occupation we are addressing successful this insubstantial is however to process these representation sequences successful ways that volition yet let estimation of the contributions of this blob transport to the vigor and particle fluxes leaving the confined plasma. We are besides addressing however to process the images to facilitate continued and much elaborate comparisons of the experimental observations with theoretical models of blob dynamics. The theoretical models foretell scalings for the narration betwixt blob size and radial velocity depending connected cardinal plasma parameters, specified arsenic section somesthesia and collisionality9,10.

This superior occupation is indispensable since the expulsion and transport of these objects correspond particle and vigor nonaccomplishment from the confined plasma. This has tremendous consequences for the enactment of the blistery plasma with the plasma-facing worldly surfaces that are successful spot to judge the exhaust vigor and particles. Parallel vigor fluxes of hundreds of MW/m\(^2\) are obtained successful the constrictive exhaust channels of present-day devices11, and the parallel vigor fluxes volition beryllium adjacent higher successful the near-future net-energy-gain tokamaks similar SPARC12 and ITER13. The radially-outward question of the blobs tin broaden this exhaust channel, thereby reducing the highest heat- and particle fluxes, the desired circumstance. However, the aforesaid question tin besides summation an undesired plasma enactment with the different plasma-facing components. These considerations represent the highest-level motivations for an close appraisal of the blobs’ occurrence, size, and motion. Combining cognition of the occurrence frequency, size, and radial velocity with somesthesia and density wrong the blobs allows quantitative estimations of radial particle- and vigor fluxes. The further occupation that we are addressing, facilitating person experimental comparisons with theoretical models of blob transport, is indispensable for experimental validation tests of these models. These tests of the models (e.g.,14) are made much invaluable with close determinations of the size, shape, and question of blobs.

Traditional approaches to blob investigation see a household of conditional averaging methods, custom-made workflows that way precocious awesome regions, and spatio-temporal cross-correlation techniques5,14,15. The conditional averaging methods and the cross-correlation techniques person the limitations of lone providing averaged characteristics of blobs. The custom-made workflows are non-standardized and are not benchmarked. The information sets that we are moving with typically see \(\sim 10^5\) sequential images, having been recorded implicit a time-subset shorter than the \(\sim 1\) s plasma pulse connected TCV. 30 specified plasma discharges tin beryllium produced per each moving time astatine TCV; hence this information throughput is excessively precocious for quality by-eye analysis. Machine learning allows close and businesslike investigation of turbulence characteristics utilizing these extended datasets.

This enactment presents a caller exertion of 4 well-known, standardized, and benchmarked tracking methods to way blobs successful GPI images. These methods are trained to reproduce recognition of blobs by humans arsenic adjacent arsenic imaginable since quality subjectivity isolates blobs from the non-blobs successful the GPI images. We measure their show by comparing them to the brightness-threshold contours and quality detection/tracking utilizing a constricted acceptable of real-data images. In “Methods” we picture the 4 models: (1) optical travel detection utilizing Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms (RAFT)16; (2) disguise detection utilizing Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN)17 successful operation with Bayesian optimization18 for tuning the hyperparameters successful the training; (3) optical travel detection utilizing Global Motion Aggregation (GMA)19; and (4) optical travel detection utilizing Flow Walk20,21. In Methods we besides specify the show metrics and the workflow. The show comparisons are fixed successful Results, arsenic is simply a statement of the results obtained by quality detection, which shows immoderate ambiguity successful what constitutes a blob successful existent experimental data. Finally, the trained models are applied to an progressive plasma-physics probe topic, i.e., uncovering the authorities of the blob dynamics, arsenic described successful Myra et al.9,10, and the models’ results are compared with the effect from a Conditional Average Sampling (CAS) method that has been utilized antecedently for this purpose14. The enactment is summarized successful Conclusions.


We bid our models connected synthetic information and trial them connected synthetic and existent data. Synthetic information affords respective advantages for grooming a model. First, our models usage optical travel vectors (RAFT, GMA, Flow Walk) oregon masks (Mask R-CNN) of the blob objects arsenic ground-truth features that humans cannot adequately label. The idiosyncratic has cleanable cognition of and power implicit these features and sound successful the synthetic dataset. By contrast, diagnostic designation successful disposable existent information whitethorn beryllium prohibitively costly to process, hard to reproduce, mediocre quality, and not typical of wide phenomenology. Second, synthetic datasets of arbitrary size and complexity tin beryllium made much generic than a small, real, vetted dataset, specified that a exemplary whitethorn beryllium trained to admit features that bash not look successful disposable existent information but mightiness look much broadly. There are a fewer borderline cases successful the existent information to beryllium covered successful training. Events specified arsenic splitting oregon merging blobs often hap but not often successful existent data. We further iterate upon the procreation of synthetic information by adding, removing, oregon emphasizing characteristics similar these events. Moreover, synthetic information is much businesslike successful acquisition and retention than existent data. Real GPI information is costly to acquire; blob dynamics alteration with the plasma condition, and we request to tally galore experiments to make a important assortment of blob dynamics successful the existent world. Also, the algorithm to make the synthetic information is much compact than a ample existent dataset and is easy adapted to different situations wherever the effort expended successful processing the existent dataset cannot beryllium reused. Therefore, by utilizing synthetic data, we tin person inexpensive, variable, and unlimited information generation22,23,24.

An indispensable extremity of this publication is to solicit greater information successful fusion probe from the broader machine-learning community. Toward this end, we marque our synthetic grooming dataset and a existent dataset disposable to benchmark show against different models. We anticipation this whitethorn animate readers not lone to measure their exemplary show against this fusion-relevant task but to question retired and prosecute much mostly to assistance lick captious problems successful the tract of fusion energy.


Real data

Each experimental GPI video is simply a magnitude t bid of grayscale images with \(12\times 10\) pixels, wherever t is the fig of frames successful the video. A snapshot of an experimental GPI video is shown successful Fig. 2 (middle), which shows a blob (as a agleam spot connected the bottom-right), and the Last Closed Flux Surface (LCFS), which is besides astir the presumption of a shear layer, crossed which the vertical plasma inheritance travel reverses direction. Before inputting the experimental GPI information into the models, we standardize the amplitude ranges betwixt 0 and 1 and remaps the images to a finer spatial grid. We subtract the mean brightness from the idiosyncratic pixel brightnesses and disagreement the effect by the modular deviation. It is besides clipped by \(\frac{1}{n}\sum _{t=1}^{n} C_{min}\left( t\right)\) and \(\frac{1}{n}\sum _{t=1}^{n} C_{max}\left( t\right)\), wherever n is the full fig of frames, and \(C_{min}\left( t\right)\) and \(C_{max}\left( t\right)\) are the minimum and maximum (standardized) brightnesses of the framework astatine clip t, respectively. In addition, though the GPI sensors output information with \(12\times 10\) pixels per frame, the images go amended interpreted by the models erstwhile we upsample their resolution, successful the contiguous case, to \(256\times 256\) pixels per frame. We usage radial ground relation (RBF) interpolation with a cubic function. This grade of upsampling allows capable item during investigation without being excessively computationally demanding. We plan the models to person inputs and nutrient outputs astatine this resolution.

Synthetic data

We support the aforesaid upsampling normal arsenic existent information by generating synthetic information for grooming astatine \(256\times 256\) pixels per frame. We approximate blobs successful the synthetic information arsenic ellipses, and a blob’s size and velocity astatine each infinitesimal are randomized truthful that a random process forms the trajectory. Here, the ellipse bound is chosen to beryllium the afloat width astatine fractional maximum (FWHM) of the brightness since the blob sizes are conventionally estimated arsenic the FWHM of the density perturbation25 which is astir proportional to the brightness successful the GPI data. Besides blobs, we simulate inheritance flows arsenic dilatory moving, elongated ellipses. Figure 2 (right) shows a snapshot of specified a synthetic video. We besides simulate analyzable instances successful the existent GPI information for these synthetic data, specified arsenic merging and splitting blobs. The brightness of the synthetic information ranges betwixt 0 and 1. We prevention the disguise of blobs and the velocities astatine pixels successful blobs arsenic an optical travel representation for each frame. We usage these images arsenic labels for training.


Our solution combines optical flow/mask detection with Tracking-by-detection to execute close recognition and tracking of the blobs. We supply and comparison 4 baselines for detecting blobs and measuring show utilizing modular and specialized metrics.



Recurrent all-pairs tract transforms (RAFT)16 computes optical travel by extracting features of pixels and gathering multiscale 4D correlation volumes for each pairs of pixels. RAFT iteratively updates an optical travel tract utilizing a recurrent portion that uses the correlation volumes.

Mask R-CNN with BO

We applied disguise region-based convolutional neural web (mask R-CNN)17, which computes segmented masks of the data. Bayesian optimization is utilized to find the hyperparameter values that minimize the nonaccomplishment of the disguise R-CNN during the training. We use Bayesian optimization18 with 2 levels of hyperparameters: (1) learning rate, momentum, value decay, and fig of epochs; and (2) information augmentation transformations \(P_{horizontalFlip}\), \(P_{scale}\), \(P_{translate}\), \(P_{shear}\), \(P_{rotate}\), arsenic good arsenic dropout probability \(P_{dropout}\) of each dropout furniture successful the model. The exploration ranges for each hyperparameter are successful the “Supplementary information”. We archetypal optimize the radical 1 hyperparameters and past support those values fixed portion optimizing the 2nd radical of hyperparameters.


We besides implemented planetary question aggregation (GMA)19 to estimation hidden motions. It finds long-range dependencies betwixt pixels successful an representation and performs planetary aggregation of corresponding question features utilizing a transformer model. GMA is tailored to execute good connected occluded regions which is not the lawsuit successful our application, truthful this diagnostic is not exploited. Nonetheless, we implemented GMA for comparison.

Flow walk

Flow Walk learns pixel trajectories with multiscale contrastive random walks by computing the modulation matrix betwixt frames successful a coarse-to-fine manner20,21. Flow Walk works good connected detecting pixel-level changes of objects with precocious spatial frequencies, which is not the diagnostic that appears connected our data, arsenic we are tracking creaseless blobs. As with GMA, we implemented Flow Walk for comparison.


After detecting blobs successful each frame, temporal coherence betwixt frames is enforced based connected a tracking-by-detection workflow (illustrated successful the “Supplementary information”) utilizing immoderate of the baselines, which consists of 4 steps:

  1. 1.

    Object detection from the model. Given the input representation sequence, the masks of blobs are predicted for each framework by the model.

  2. 2.

    Feature extraction. We prime the objects to beryllium tracked (i.e., blob objects) by discarding predictions with scores beneath a threshold.

  3. 3.

    Pairwise cost. We exploit the temporal coherence of the images by computing the pairwise outgo betwixt the objects successful the existent and erstwhile frames utilizing the VIoU outgo metric.

  4. 4.

    Bipartite matching. Using the outgo matrix from the erstwhile step, we delegate unsocial correspondence betwixt objects with the constraint that nary entity receives much than 1 assignment. If a caller entity appears successful an isolated framework (i.e., it has nary correspondence either successful the erstwhile oregon the adjacent frame), it is ignored and discarded arsenic a sound fluctuation. When a caller entity appears successful the existent framework with nary correspondence successful the erstwhile framework but with a lucifer successful the adjacent frame, we commencement a caller track. By keeping way of the progressive and finished tracks, we delegate IDs to the blobs successful the video and grounds their trajectories.

Performance metrics

We usage modular and specialized metrics to measure performance.

  • Endpoint mistake (EPE): The modular mistake measurement for evaluating optical travel is defined by \(\frac{1}{n}\sum \Vert \vec {v}_{est}-\vec {v}_{gt}\Vert\), wherever n is the fig of pixels successful the image, \(\vec {v}_{est}\) is the estimated travel tract and \(\vec {v}_{gt}\) is the proxy crushed information travel field.

  • Volumetric IoU (VIoU): Object detection algorithms usually usage intersection implicit national (IoU) metrics to measure the prediction quality. For the prediction/ground-truth brace (e.g., bounding boxes, mask), the IoU is computed arsenic the ratio betwixt the intersection and national areas. While this attack is rather robust erstwhile dealing with the disguise detection of coagulated objects with well-defined, crisp boundaries, IoU tin mislead our application’s people erstwhile the intersection country has a debased brightness level, which is intuitively a mediocre prediction. Note that the bound explanation of blob features wrong the images is simply a relation of the brightness threshold. Since this threshold whitethorn alteration from experimentation to experiment, successful our case, it is much due to picture the blob signifier arsenic a volume, with volumetric IoU (VIoU), utilizing the brightness level for the 3rd axis (illustrated successful the “Supplementary information”), and defined as:

    $$\begin{aligned} VIoU=\frac{\sum _{x,y\in A_{intersection}} B_{x, y}}{\sum _{x,y\in A_{union}} B_{x, y}} \end{aligned}$$


where \(B_{x, y}\) is the brightness astatine pixel located astatine \(\left( x, y\right)\), and \(A_{intersection}\) and \(A_{union}\) are, respectively, the acceptable of pixels wrong the intersection and national of the predicted/ground-truth blob mask.


We contiguous results successful 4 parts: (1) grooming results for each exemplary described successful Training, (2) investigating scores of the trained models connected some synthetic and existent GPI information shown successful Testing and blob tracking, (3) furthermore, the models are evaluated based connected human-labeled blobs to show their validity successful Evaluation by human-labeled blobs, (4) the tracking accusation from each exemplary is utilized to place the authorities of the blob dynamics successful Identification of blob regimes to execute a task that addresses an progressive plasma-physics probe topic.


We bid the tracking models utilizing 30 synthetic videos, each with 200 frames. We divided the frames into grooming information (95validation information (5the archetypal implementation with default hyperparameters for RAFT and GMA. For Mask R-CNN, we find hyperparameters by Bayesian optimization (see the “Supplementary information”). For Flow Walk, we implemented the grooming pipeline from RAFT. The grooming scores based connected the Performance metrics are shown successful the “Supplementary information”, wherever RAFT is the champion among the 4 models.

Testing and blob tracking

We trial the models connected synthetic and existent GPI information and summarize the results successful Table 1. For the existent GPI data, we lone compute VIoU since determination are nary labels successful optical flows. Among the 4 models, RAFT performs champion connected existent data.

Table 1 Scores from investigating for each exemplary with corresponding people metrics, endpoint mistake (EPE) and volumetric IoU (VIoU). Lower EPE and higher VIoU are better. Among 4 models, RAFT performs champion with the lowest EPE and highest VIoU. Mask R-CNN misses EPE due to the fact that it is not an optical travel detection exemplary but a disguise detection model. EPE for existent information is not presented due to the fact that the existent information does not person ground-truth optical travel velocities.

Figure 3 shows an illustration of blob tracking by RAFT connected existent experimental data. RAFT takes 2 images arsenic input: the existent and the adjacent frame. It past predicts optical flows for each pixel, arsenic shown successful the mediate of Fig. 3. The colour of each pixel indicates the velocity of the predicted optical flow, corresponding to the colour palette shown astatine the bottommost left. In bid to place the disguise of the blobs from the representation of optical flows, which is not segmented, the algorithm computes a acceptable of contours of antithetic values of the magnitude of optical flows successful each frame. We merge contours that overlap wrong VIoU \(>\alpha\). We find \(\alpha = 0.2\) suitable for our purposes. For each contour, we compute the VIoU utilizing the bluish contour successful the figure, which is the contour of \(\beta \times B_{max}\), wherever \(B_{max}\) is the maximum (standardized) brightness wrong the reddish contour. Then the contours which springiness a VIoU greater than \(\gamma = 0.8\) and \(B_{max}\) greater than \(\beta = 0.7\) are chosen to beryllium tracked. The idiosyncratic sets the hyperparameters \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), and \(\gamma\) based connected the GPI data, and we acceptable them arsenic supra for the information utilized successful this work. In Fig. 3 (right), the blob ID (Blob 5) is assigned by the Tracking-by-detection. In bid to enforce temporal coherence successful blob detection, lone blobs with a beingness longer than 15 frames (corresponding to 7.5 micro-seconds successful existent data) are chosen and drawn successful the output video. Unlike the optical travel prediction models, Mask R-CNN outputs segmented masks of objects, and truthful the contour of an entity is already obtained (i.e., we bash not request to scan the values of contours). The remainder of the tracking is the aforesaid arsenic above.

Figure 3
figure 3

An illustration of blob tracking connected experimental data. With the existent framework (left) and the adjacent framework arsenic input, RAFT predicts optical flows for each pixel (middle). In the middle, the colour of each pixel indicates the velocity (speed and direction) of the optical travel predicted, corresponding to the colour palette shown astatine the bottommost left. On the right, the reddish contour is drawn for the bound of the pixels having non-zero optical travel successful the cardinal figure. The bluish contour is the contour of \(0.7\times B_{max}\) wherever \(B_{max}\) is the maximum (standardized) brightness wrong the reddish contour, which is utilized for computing VIoU. The reddish contours chosen by respective thresholds (VIoU \(> 0.8\), \(B_{max}>0.75\), beingness \(> 15\) frames) are lone tracked. The blob ID (Blob 5) was assigned by Tracking-by-detection.

Evaluation by human-labeled blobs

For the investigating people connected existent information shown successful Table 1, the statement (blue contour successful Fig. 3 (right)) is babelike connected the prediction (red contour). In different words, the statement is drawn lone for the predicted objects, and the exemplary show is frankincense evaluated lone for structures detected by our tracking models (i.e., determination are lone existent positives). In general, determination is immoderate subjectivity successful identifying blobs successful existent data. Therefore, we quantified however adjacent the machine-predicted blobs are to the human-labeled blobs selected by antithetic domain experts. We see arsenic “ground-truth” the cases that quality labelers person identified arsenic blobs. We screen cases with mendacious positives (the exemplary identified a blob wherever the quality identified none), existent negatives (did not place a blob wherever determination was none), mendacious negatives (did not place a blob wherever determination was one), arsenic good arsenic existent positives (identified a blob wherever determination was one), arsenic defined successful Fig. 4. Each of the 3 domain experts separately labeled the blobs successful 3000 frames by hand, and our blob-tracking models are evaluated against these human-labeled experimental information based connected F1 score, False Discovery Rate (FDR), and accuracy, arsenic shown successful Fig. 5. These are the mean per-frame scores (i.e., the mean crossed the frames), and we did not usage the people crossed each frames, which tin beryllium dominated by outlier frames that whitethorn incorporate galore blobs. Figure 6 displays the corresponding disorder matrices. In this result, RAFT, Mask R-CNN, and GMA achieved precocious accuracy (0.807, 0.813, and 0.740 connected average, respectively), portion Flow Walk was little close (0.611 connected average). Here, the accuracy of 0.611 successful Flow Walk is seemingly high, misleading due to the fact that Flow Walk gave fewer predictions (low TP and FP successful Fig. 6). This is due to the fact that the information is skewed to existent negatives arsenic galore frames person nary blobs, which is seen from the precocious existent negatives of disorder matrices successful Fig. 6. Thus, accuracy is not the champion metric for the information used. F1 people and FDR are much suitable for our purposes due to the fact that they are autarkic of existent negatives. Indeed, different scores of Flow Walk are arsenic expected; the F1 people is debased (0.036 connected average) and the FDR is precocious (0.645 connected average). RAFT and Mask R-CNN amusement decently precocious F1 scores and debased FDR. GMA underperformed RAFT and Mask R-CNN successful each metrics, but the scores are reasonably good. These observations are accordant crossed the comparisons with the 3 labelers’ results. Overall, blobs predicted by 3 models (RAFT, Mask R-CNN, and GMA) are rather akin to human-labeled blobs, exhibiting reasonably bully scores successful Fig. 5.

Figure 4
figure 4

Examples of exemplary prediction connected the existent information with quality labels. The labeler marks a dot (magenta) connected the blob that he/she identifies successful each frame. As illustrated successful the near figure, TP is existent affirmative wherever the human-labeled dot is contained wrong the predicted blob boundary, and FN is mendacious antagonistic wherever the human-labeled dot is not contained successful immoderate predicted blob boundary. FP is simply a mendacious affirmative (middle figure) wherever the predicted blob bound does not incorporate quality labels. In the close figure, determination are neither predictions nor quality labels successful this frame, hence the lawsuit of existent negative.

Figure 5
figure 5

F1 score, mendacious find complaint (FDR), and accuracy of the 4 methods (RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk) connected the existent GPI information with 3000 frames hand-labeled by 3 domain experts (AC). Metrics shown are the mean per-frame scores (i.e., the mean crossed the frames).

Figure 6
figure 6

Confusion matrices of the 4 methods (RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk), for the existent GPI information with 3000 frames hand-labeled by 3 domain experts (AC).

The trained models’ mean moving times per framework (without post-processing) are milliseconds. Specifically, 104, 50, 109, and 23 sclerosis for RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk, respectively, utilizing 4 GPUs. For RAFT and GMA, determination are 12 iterations for each framework pursuing the default setup, and we tally 1 iteration for Mask R-CNN and Flow Walk. This indicates that \(\sim 3\) h (RAFT, GMA) and \(\sim 1\) h (Mask R-CNN, Flow Walk) would beryllium needed to process \(10^5\) images. This tin go faster if we trim the fig of iterations oregon downsample the input representation astatine the disbursal of the model’s performance. The post-processing takes seconds, precisely 12, 11, and 9 s per framework for RAFT, GMA, and Flow Walk, respectively, and \(\sim 300\) h for \(10^5\) images. This is not abbreviated due to the fact that of the hunt for the contour worth to beryllium drawn from the optical travel for the blob contour prediction. For Mask R-CNN, the per-frame post-processing clip is 1 second, overmuch faster than the different 3 optical travel models. This is due to the fact that Mask R-CNN gives segmented masks, and determination is nary request to find a contour value. Therefore, RAFT, GMA, and Flow Walk tin beryllium tally for a tiny subset of the information (\(\sim\)1000 frames), and Mask R-CNN tin beryllium tally for the information with a larger fig of frames. Despite the agelong computation time, the post-processing provides accusation of blobs for each frame, whereas CAS lone provides mean results successful a comparatively shorter time.

Identification of blob regimes

The trained models tin present estimation assorted blob parameters, specified arsenic their size, speed, and occurrence frequence successful existent GPI data. Here, we usage specified accusation to place the authorities of the blob dynamics for 2 antithetic plasma conditions. The authorities is identified based connected determination successful the diagram successful Figure 7. Here, \(\Theta\) (a normalized blob size) and \(\Lambda\) (a normalized plasma collisionality, which is proportional to the electron-ion collision frequency) are defined arsenic in9,10

$$\begin{aligned} \Theta ={\hat{a}}^{5/2} \quad \mathrm {and}\quad \Lambda =1.7\times 10^{-18}\frac{n_{e}L_{\Vert }}{T_{e}^2} \end{aligned}$$



$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{a}}=\frac{a_{b}R^{1/5}}{L_{\Vert }^{2/5}\rho _{s}^{4/5}} \quad \mathrm {and}\quad {\hat{v}}=\frac{v_{R}}{c_{s}\left( 2L_{\Vert }\frac{\rho _{s}^2}{R^3}\right) ^{1/5}} \end{aligned}$$


\({\hat{a}}\) and \({\hat{v}}\) are the blob’s normalized radius and radial speed, respectively. Here, \(n_e\) and \(T_e\) are the section electron density and temperature, respectively, \(L_{\Vert }\) is the parallel transportation length, \(a_b\) is the blob radius, R is the large radius of the tokamak, \(\rho _{s}\) is the ion dependable Larmor radius, \(v_R\) is the radial velocity of the blob, and \(c_s\) is the dependable speed. Our blob-tracking models let america to estimation \(a_b\) and \(v_R\). Other plasma parameters are measured utilizing different diagnostics. There are 4 regimes successful the diagram, named “resistive ballooning” (RB), “resistive X-point” (RX), “connected ideal-interchange” (\(C_i\)), and “connected sheath” (\(C_s\)). Theory predicts antithetic scaling relationships betwixt the normalized radial velocity (\({\hat{v}}\)) and the radius (\({\hat{a}}\)) of the blob depending upon authorities (see Fig. 7). We person evaluated \(\Theta\) and \(\Lambda\) for 2 antithetic plasma conditions (Plasma 1 and Plasma 2) utilizing a accepted method (CAS) and our 4 blob-tracking models (RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk). This valuation locates the 2 plasmas wrong the theory-defined regimes, arsenic shown successful Fig. 7. We place plasma 1 and 2 arsenic being wrong \(C_s\) and RX regimes, respectively, unanimously by 4 methods (CAS, RAFT, Mask R-CNN, and GMA) but Flow Walk. The closeness of the information points betwixt the accepted method and the blob-tracking models demonstrates the validity of the instrumentality learning attack successful blob-tracking applied to an important probe investigation. Note that the bars astir the centroids for the blob-tracking models are not mistake bars but alternatively the dispersed successful existent blob statistics. This is an vantage of the blob-tracking methods since they let statistic derived from idiosyncratic blob measurements, whereas CAS tin lone output mean results. Flow Walk’s ample dispersed is owed to its mediocre prediction performance, arsenic shown antecedently successful Fig. 5.

Figure 7
figure 7

\(\Theta\)\(\Lambda\) diagram wherever \(\Theta\) and \(\Lambda\) are defined successful Eq. (2). The diagram is divided into 4 blob regimes (RB, RX, \(C_i\), and \(C_s\)) depending connected the narration betwixt the normalized velocity (\({\hat{v}}\)) and radius (\({\hat{a}}\)) of the blobs. Data from 2 antithetic plasmas (Plasma 1 and Plasma 2) are interrogated by 4 blob-tracking models (RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk) and the accepted CAS method, with the locations from each method indicated successful the diagram. For these data, the origin \(\epsilon _{x}\) is 0.5. The bars correspond to the modular deviation of \(\log {\Theta }\) and \(\log {\Lambda }\).


We present a dataset and benchmark for tracking turbulent structures, called blobs, successful Gas Puff Imaging information from the bound portion of magnetically confined tokamak plasmas created successful TCV. We experimented with 4 baseline models based connected RAFT, Mask R-CNN, GMA, and Flow Walk, trained connected synthetic data, and tested connected synthetic and existent data. The synthetic information mimic the realistic question and improvement of blobs recovered successful existent GPI videos of the TCV bound plasma. We optimize the grooming hyperparameters by Bayesian optimization. The trained models amusement precocious VIoU investigating scores connected some synthetic and existent information and precocious accuracy scores connected human-labeled existent data. As a objection of the validity of our tracking models, we execute (nearly) unanimous recognition of the authorities of the blob dynamics for 2 antithetic plasma conditions utilizing blob statistic estimated by tracking models and the accepted CAS method. At slightest 2 of these models (RAFT and Mask R-CNN) are reliable tools for identifying and tracking blobs, which let the estimation of assorted measures of blob dynamics connected to the levels and effects of turbulence connected the borderline of tokamak plasmas. This characterization of borderline turbulence can further our knowing of transport processes successful the plasma boundary, contributing to indispensable cognition for the applicable procreation of fusion energy.

Data availability

In the tone of reproducible research, we marque our data, models, and codification publically disposable astatine


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The enactment from the US Department of Energy, Fusion Energy Sciences, awards DE-SC0014264 and DE-SC0020327, are gratefully acknowledged. This enactment was supported successful portion by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Also, this enactment has been carried retired wrong the model of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No 101052200-EUROfusion). Views and opinions expressed are, nevertheless those of the author(s) lone and bash not needfully bespeak those of the European Union oregon the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission tin beryllium held liable for them.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

    Woonghee Han, Theodore Golfinopoulos, James L. Terry & Earl S. Marmar

  2. MIT, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

    Randall A. Pietersen & Rafael Villamor-Lora

  3. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

    Matthew Beveridge & Iddo Drori

  4. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Nicola Offeddu & Christian Theiler


W.H. constructed the archetypal conception of the study, curated the dataset, and wrote the code. W.H. and I.D. defined the benchmark and reviewed the code. All authors provided ideas and analyzed the results. W.H., R.A.P., R.V.L., N.O., T.G., C.T., J.T., and I.D. contributed to the penning and each authors reviewed the manuscript. W.H., I.D., and R.V.L. created figures.

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Correspondence to Woonghee Han.

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Han, W., Pietersen, R.A., Villamor-Lora, R. et al. Tracking blobs successful the turbulent borderline plasma of a tokamak fusion device. Sci Rep 12, 18142 (2022).

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  • Received: 28 June 2022

  • Accepted: 29 September 2022

  • Published: 28 October 2022

  • DOI:

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