Traumatic Experiences May Be Associated With Lower Levels of Sex Hormones - Neuroscience News

2 years ago 74

Summary: A past of trauma is associated with little concentrations of estrone and estradiol successful middle-aged women, particularly successful those who endure from a deficiency of slumber oregon different slumber disorders.

Source: NAMS

Traumatic experiences are associated with a fig of adverse intelligence and carnal wellness outcomes.

A caller survey suggests that they whitethorn besides beryllium associated with little concentrations of enactment hormones successful midlife women—especially women with shorter sleep.

Study results volition beryllium presented during The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting successful Atlanta, October 12-15, 2022.

Previous probe has shown that intelligence trauma has the imaginable to suppress ovarian relation and trim ovarian estrogen secretion. However, the narration betwixt trauma and enactment hormones successful midlife women remains mostly unknown.

A caller survey from the University of Pittsburgh involving 260 postmenopausal women evaluated whether traumatic experiences are associated with levels of estrogens (estradiol, estrone) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and whether this relation is affected by slumber duration.

Previous probe has shown that intelligence trauma has the imaginable to suppress ovarian relation and trim ovarian estrogen secretion. Image is successful the nationalist domain

The researchers recovered that women with a past of trauma had little levels of estrogens, including estradiol and estrone, compared with women without specified history. There was nary narration betwixt trauma and FSH levels.

Findings were not accounted for by depressive oregon posttraumatic accent symptoms, vasomotor symptoms, oregon however agelong a pistillate had been postmenopausal.

The narration betwixt trauma and hormones depended connected however overmuch women were sleeping: women with a past of trauma who were sleeping less than 6 hours per nighttime had peculiarly debased levels of estrogens.

“This enactment highlights the value of trauma successful narration to wellness astatine midlife, peculiarly fixed the sensitivity of women’s wellness to hormones.” says Dr. Mary Carson, pb writer of the study, from the University of Pittsburgh.

“This survey demonstrates the request for healthcare professionals to person a bully knowing of a patient’s history, including immoderate traumatic experiences. This past could assistance place women astatine accrued hazard for definite wellness issues and let for adoption of preventive strategies,” says Dr. Stephanie Faubion, NAMS aesculapian director.

About this trauma and hormones probe news

Author: Mary Nance
Source: NAMS
Contact: Mary Nance – NAMS
Image: The representation is successful the nationalist domain

Original Research: The findings volition beryllium presented astatine 2022 Annual Meeting of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS)

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