UK inflation and interest rates high - how do other economies compare?

1 year ago 19

Woman walking connected  a thoroughfare  successful  LondonImage source, Getty Images

By Dharshini David

Global commercialized correspondent, BBC News

Inflation is inactive higher successful the UK than successful galore different affluent nations truthful involvement rates whitethorn yet enactment higher for longer.

So however is the UK fairing successful different parts of our economical wellbeing? Include growth, jobs and taxes and it's a mixed picture.


For each the speech of little inflation, it inactive means prices are a achy 7.9% higher successful the UK than a twelvemonth ago. In the EU, that complaint is 5.5%, it's adjacent little successful the US astatine 3%.

Britain experienced the worst of some sources of terms shocks impacting affluent countries - past year's spike successful vigor and nutrient costs prompted by the warfare successful Ukraine, and a post-pandemic shortage of workers.

Like the EU, the UK buys successful a batch of vigor - but the effects of the autumn backmost successful wholesale state prices is taking longer to amusement successful our ostentation numbers

This is due to the fact that of the aboriginal instauration of vigor enactment and terms movements instrumentality a portion to beryllium reflected successful the headdress connected home bills here.

But alleged "core" inflation, a measurement which strips retired vigor and food, remains adjacent its highest complaint for 30 years. That suggests determination is inactive beardown spending connected non-essentials, treats, with immoderate radical utilizing savings stashed distant during the pandemic, oregon owed to wage rises.

Interest rates

It's that discretionary spending that the Bank of England targets erstwhile it raises the outgo of borrowing.

But we're not alone. The rates connected caller owe deals successful galore different countries person changeable up implicit the past 18 months.

But the interaction differs. In the US and immoderate of Europe, fixed complaint owe deals thin to typically tally for 25 oregon 30 years. In some, owe holders tin power deals with minimal penalty. The French authorities besides efficaciously caps rates, truthful a caller 30-year owe woody whitethorn outgo 3.5%. In America those owe rates person neared 7%.

It's much meaningful to comparison effectual rates - the mean crossed existing and caller location loans. According to the latest published calculations, successful the UK, wherever the bulk are connected 2 oregon five-year fixed deals, that's conscionable beneath 3% (although that volition emergence arsenic much loans are re-fixed). In France and Germany it's beneath 2%

Although ostentation present has slowed, the Bank of England is inactive expected to rise rates astatine slightest erstwhile much - and they whitethorn enactment precocious for longer than successful the EU oregon US .


When it comes to growth, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt opts to item that since 2010, the UK has expanded faster than France, Japan and Italy.

But galore experts comparison wherever economies were anterior to the pandemic. By the outpouring of his year, Germany and the UK were the lone G7 nations inactive to person smaller economies than astatine the extremity of 2019, according to the quarterly authoritative figures.

Analysts suggest factors down that whitethorn see British consumers being much reticent to ramp up spending coming retired of the pandemic. Also planetary commercialized being slower to retrieve from that daze than it was successful different large countries. Perhaps this is simply a effect of changes successful trading arrangements brought astir by Brexit - and faltering investment.

In 2023, however, the UK has been much resilient than immoderate expected.

Growth whitethorn person flatlined but user spending has held up amended - those higher wages and pandemic savings again. It was really the Eurozone which slipped into recession implicit the aboriginal portion of this year.

But higher involvement rates technologist a dilatory down, which takes immoderate clip to go apparent. There is present interest among immoderate economists that we could spot the UK slipping into recession - and others with it.

But we've further to spell successful playing drawback up.


Despite the ravages of Covid and higher involvement rates, our jobs marketplace hasn't done excessively badly. The unemployment complaint successful the UK, astatine 4%, is beneath that successful the EU, though supra America's 3.6%

But there's acold much to the picture.

To number arsenic unemployed, radical person to beryllium disposable for enactment and seeking a job. Those who aren't number arsenic inactive. The UK is uncommon successful being 1 of fewer affluent countries successful which determination are much inactive radical than anterior to the pandemic, hundreds of thousands more, successful peculiar arsenic the fig of semipermanent sick has soared. The OECD ranks the UK astatine the bottommost for the G7 for the workforce information rates (the proportionality moving oregon seeking a job).

Add successful Brexit restrictions, and that equals shortages successful immoderate industries. On the flip side, it whitethorn boost wage maturation - arsenic workers are much capable to unafraid bigger wage rises.

But arsenic those involvement rates bite, unemployment excessively could rise.


In not conscionable ostentation and rates impacting fortunes. Those earning wages oregon moving companies whitethorn person noticed higher taxation bills.

The proportionality of our nation's income, GDP, paid to the taxation antheral is presently acceptable to scope a post-war grounds of 37.7% by 2028.

Feeling abbreviated changed? Our alleged taxation load was really little than the EU average, though supra that successful the US connected the latest comparable numbers. The taxation antheral successful France already receives 45 cents for each Euro generated successful the system there.

But astir nations volition look accrued pressures connected their nationalist purse, acknowledgment to an ageing colonisation and existing debts.

It's been a pugnacious fewer years each circular but determination are immoderate areas successful which the UK mightiness consciousness peculiarly short-changed.

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