Ukraine war: How old tech is helping Ukraine avoid detection

1 year ago 39

A 120mm mortar is loaded into a launching instrumentality  successful  Eastern Ukraine

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Ukrainian troops on the eastbound beforehand enactment are alert of Russia's quality to intercept oregon artifact communications

By Jonathan Beale

Defence correspondent, Eastern Ukraine

As Ukraine prepares for its large offensive, it volition lone get harder to fell the unit physique up from Russia's forces. So Ukraine is having to enactment retired ways to confound the enemy.

In a trench connected the eastbound front, a Ukrainian mortar squad knows Russia's not conscionable trying to hunt them down with drones - it's besides utilizing physics warfare to effort to find their position.

The men of Ukraine's 28th Brigade whitethorn person entree to 21st Century exertion - satellites, astute phones, and tablets - to assistance pass and place targets. But they're besides utilizing a instrumentality from the distant past.

An antique that wouldn't look retired of spot successful a trench during World War One: an aged wind-up phone.

Vlad and his men prime up the tract telephone whenever they're astir to occurrence a mortar. Its dull ringing makes a dependable from a bygone era. For outgoing calls, they indispensable upwind up a handle. It's similar a country from a achromatic and achromatic movie.

Vlad grabs the cables that scope retired to different adjacent trenches. He says it's the safest means of communication, and that "it's intolerable to perceive in".

He says Russian physics warfare systems tin observe and intercept mobile phones and radios, but pointing to his past tract telephone, Vlad says: "This exertion is precise aged - but it works truly well."

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Vlad says the wind-up telephone helium uses is the safest means of communication

So far, Russia's accepted forces person performed poorly and suffered dense losses, but it inactive has immoderate of the world's astir precocious physics warfare systems - the invisible means to way an force and to intercept oregon artifact communications.

In fixed antiaircraft positions they'll marque Ukrainian advances much unsafe and difficult. Russia's Zoopark radars tin find artillery fire. Its Zhitel vehicles detect, way and artifact vigor frequencies, portion the Borisoglebsk-2 tin disrupt outer communications similar GPS.

Russia's usage of physics warfare is besides making it harder for Ukraine's service of drones - cardinal to getting a bird's oculus presumption of the battlefield.

At different determination connected the eastbound front, Oleksii and his drone quality portion of the 59th Brigade usage the screen of a bombed retired gathering to alert their tiny Chinese commercialized drone to place Russian positions.

In the aboriginal stages of the war, Ukraine appeared to beryllium much adept successful their use. But Oleksii says present "the entity is afloat of drones". He says the Russians, too, are utilizing the aforesaid models, but person much of them. Though helium believes they "care little astir them".

Oleksii says he's already mislaid 5 tiny Chinese-made drones and his Brigade "might suffer 3 to 4 drones a day". He says the force person entree to radio-electronic warfare stations and anti-drone guns which "can transmit interference and interrupt communications" to disable their drones.

But successful skilful hands, helium adds, a tiny commercialized drone similar a Mavic tin past "between 2 and 3 weeks".

They effort their champion to debar detection - utilizing encryption and altering their drone's geolocation. The 1 he's flying implicit Russian trenches is utilizing a VPN successful Australia, meaning it appears to beryllium flying astir the confederate continent. But helium says the disguise doesn't ever work.

Bohdan, an serviceman  with Ukraine's 10th Brigade


Russia has the resources... to alert drones each day, each hour, each second

In contrast, Ukraine's efforts to bring down Russian drones tin beryllium much rudimentary - arsenic we witnessed astatine different position.

Ukrainian troops constituent to a drone flying precocious successful the distance. It's an Orlan - a larger, Russian-made drone that tin transportation retired surveillance oregon intercept communications. This clip it's scouting retired adjacent Ukrainian antiaircraft positions to nonstop artillery fire.

We perceive the whizz of the shells earlier seeing the interaction and fume rising successful the distance.

The effect of the adjacent Ukrainian troops is to unfastened up with a hail of bullets toward the sky, fired from their automatic rifles. But the Russian drone is excessively high. In this instance, their gunfire is futile.

In a adjacent bid centre, Bohdan, of Ukraine's 10th Brigade, expresses his vexation that they can't bash more. He says Russian drones are flying "every day, each hour, each second. They person the resources for that. We combat against it but not arsenic overmuch arsenic we'd like."

The ample surface down him though shows that Ukraine is inactive capable to bash the aforesaid - adjacent if they indispensable present see their drones arsenic expendable items of war.

We ticker a unrecorded video provender from a Ukrainian drone hovering implicit adjacent trenches. Russia whitethorn person the vantage successful physics warfare and much drones - they'll supply a situation for Ukraine's coming offensive.

But Russia has not yet been capable to summation power of the skies, oregon decision Ukrainian absorption and ingenuity.

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