Unimed works with IHP to increase access to medicines in Lebanon - The Pharma Letter

2 years ago 55

Unimed works   with IHP to summation   entree  to medicines successful  Lebanon

A caller concern betwixt Unimed Procurement Services and International Health Partners (IHP) volition question to boost entree to life-saving aesculapian supplies astir the world.

Unimed, a Leicester, UK-based procurement services organization, volition marque a publication of respective shipments of a assortment of products, with a worth of astir $70,000.

Working with an extended web of planetary healthcare industry donors, IHP is simply a large coordinator of donated medical…

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The Pharma Letter is an highly utile and invaluable Life Sciences work that brings unneurotic a regular update connected show radical and products. It’s portion of the cardinal accusation for keeping maine informed
Chairman, Sanofi Aventis UK

All therapy areasGovernment AffairsInternational Health Partners (IHP)PharmaceuticalProductionPublic healthUKUnimed Procurement Services

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