USASAC moving multibillion-dollar military aid to Ukraine at record speeds - United States Army

1 year ago 39
Pallets containing ammunition, explosives and different   supplies bound for Ukraine are loaded onboard an craft  during a overseas   subject   income  ngo  astatine  Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, March 20, 2022. USASAC oversees the Army's FMS and information    assistance   programs, has facilitated the transportation  of $2 cardinal  successful  weapons, grooming  and materiel since the opening  of the Russian invasion, and astir   $2.9 cardinal  since Russia's 2014 seizure of Crimea. The United States reaffirms its steadfast committedness  to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity successful  enactment    of a unafraid  and prosperous Ukraine. Pallets containing ammunition, explosives and different supplies bound for Ukraine are loaded onboard an craft during a overseas subject income ngo astatine Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, March 20, 2022. USASAC oversees the Army's FMS and information assistance programs, has facilitated the transportation of $2 cardinal successful weapons, grooming and materiel since the opening of the Russian invasion, and astir $2.9 cardinal since Russia's 2014 seizure of Crimea. The United States reaffirms its steadfast committedness to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity successful enactment of a unafraid and prosperous Ukraine. (Photo Credit: Photo by USAF Staff Sgt. Marco A. Gomez) VIEW ORIGINAL

The relation of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command is connected afloat show since Russia launched its premeditated, unprovoked warfare against Ukraine connected Feb. 24.

To date, USASAC, which oversees the Army's overseas subject income and information assistance programs, has facilitated the transportation of $2 cardinal successful weapons, grooming and materiel since the opening of the invasion, and astir $2.9 cardinal since Russia's 2014 seizure of Crimea.

These multibillion-dollar information assistance packages see hundreds of thousands of items similar anti-armor systems, unmanned aerial systems, artillery, rocket systems, armored unit carriers and different wheeled and way vehicles, assemblage armor, munitions, aesculapian supplies and protective equipment.

According to USASAC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Brad Nicholson, deliveries are facilitated astir the timepiece and astatine unprecedented speeds, affirming America’s unwavering enactment for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“The United States is successful enactment of a whole-of-government attack to Russian assertive actions toward Ukraine, and each bid and each bureau has its contributions,” said Nicholson. “USASAC’s relation is providing materiel and services to guarantee America’s partners and allies tin support themselves, and beforehand determination stableness and antiauthoritarian values.”

In coordination with information assistance endeavor members, USASAC is successfully providing materiel and services, around-the-clock, via aggregate streams:


This directive, nether the Foreign Assistance Act, authorizes the president to nonstop the contiguous transportation of defence articles and services from DOD stocks to overseas countries and planetary organizations for unforeseen emergencies. Such assistance tin statesman arriving wrong days—or adjacent hours—of approval.

Congress has progressively accrued the headdress connected this drawdown authorization from $100 cardinal to $11 cardinal for Fiscal Year 2022, astir precocious successful the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, which was signed into instrumentality by President Joe Biden connected May 21. Since past August, the Administration has utilized this Presidential Drawdown Authority 23 times to supply Ukraine much than $8.6 cardinal successful subject assistance straight from DoD stockpiles.

The authorization to supply subject assistance done a drawdown has been utilized to enactment allies and partners successful situation each implicit the world. It remains the U.S. government’s astir responsive instrumentality to rapidly transportation U.S. subject and different instrumentality successful an unanticipated exigency that cannot beryllium addressed by different means. A elaborate summary of the U.S. subject assistance provided nether drawdowns for Ukraine is disposable at the State Department website astatine


On April 24, the State Department notified Congress of its volition to obligate much than $713 cardinal successful Foreign Military Financing backing for Ukraine and 15 different allied and spouse nations successful Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. A Sept. 8 State Department information expanse noted that “assistance successful this notification volition assistance NATO Allies backfill capabilities they person donated to Ukraine from their ain stockpiles to clasp and fortify NATO deterrence.”

·      Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative

The Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative allocates backing for the mid- to semipermanent contracting of captious capabilities from industry. On Sept. 28 the DoD announced different astir $1.1 cardinal successful further information assistance for Ukraine nether the USAI.

·      Foreign Military Financing

In FY 2021, DOD provided Ukraine $115 cardinal successful Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and $3 cardinal successful International Military Education and Training funding. Additionally, anterior to Russia’s renewed invasion, FMF supported Ukraine’s acquisition of a wide array of capabilities.

·      Excess Defense Articles (EDA)

In FY 2022, the United States utilized the Excess Defense Articles Program to transportation Mi-17 helicopters and MRAPs to Ukraine.

·      Third Party Transfers (TPT)

In beforehand of Russia’s penetration and aft the outbreak of warfare successful February 2022, the United States approved Third Party Transfers from 14 NATO Allies and adjacent partners to supply U.S.-origin instrumentality from their inventories for usage by Ukrainian forces. Deliveries to day see almost 12,000 anti-armor systems of each types; much than 1,550 anti-air missiles; radars; nighttime imaginativeness devices; instrumentality guns; rifles and ammunition; and assemblage armor.

·      Foreign Military Sales

The United States has $595.9 cardinal successful progressive government-to-government income cases with Ukraine nether the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) system. FMS income notified to Congress are connected the DSCA website. USASAC presently has 186 cases with Ukraine.

·      Direct Commercial Sales

From 2015 done 2020, the United States besides authorized the imperishable export of implicit $274 cardinal successful defence articles and services to Ukraine via Direct Commercial Sales.

·      Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022

The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022, passed by the Congress and signed May 9 by President Biden, provides the United States with a captious further instrumentality to assistance Ukraine support itself against Russia’s unprovoked invasion. It besides provides the United States with the quality to lend oregon lease defence articles to different Eastern European countries that person been affected by Russia’s unprovoked penetration of Ukraine.

Regardless of its source, U.S. subject materiel is making historically accelerated transfers from U.S. ungraded to Ukrainian battlefields, sometimes wrong days alternatively of the months oregon years that immoderate FMS cases tin take. Nicholson credits these timelines to some acquisition and cooperation.

“Security assistance and overseas subject income whitethorn not, successful itself, beryllium built for speed, but the warfare successful Ukraine has shown however agile and responsive we are successful crisis. That being said, we mustn’t hide that USASAC is not caller to information assistance,” said Nicholson. “This is our country of expertise and has been for implicit a fractional a century. We’ve been successfully executing cases that person planetary interaction for decades, and we’ve kept a watchful oculus connected ways to streamline our processes.”

Nicholson said portion USASAC is the halfway of gravity for the Army Materiel Command’s information assistance enterprise, “we are not moving successful a vacuum. We could not execute this ngo without the coordination and enactment of the AMC Life Cycle Management Commands, Army Contracting Command, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, arsenic good arsenic different Department of Defense agencies and U.S. industry.

“Along with a immense squad of endeavor organizations, USASAC is arrogant to enactment our nation’s allies and partners, and we volition proceed to enactment hard to guarantee they person the exceptional work and enactment that the United States is known for,” said Nicholson.

Since January 2021, the United States has invested much than $18.2 cardinal successful information assistance to show its steadfast committedness to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, according to a DOD release. This includes much than $17.6 cardinal since the Feb. 24 penetration by Russia. Since 2014, the United States has provided much than $20.3 cardinal successful information assistance for grooming and instrumentality to Ukraine.

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