Using thermal imaging in feline care - DVM 360

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John C Godbold Jr, DVM, explained the colors that amusement with temperature-sensing exertion and however they tin pb to a diagnosis

When looking astatine a thermal image, practitioners tin observe antithetic colors located each implicit their patients. Reds, blues, yellows, and different colors airy up the representation to overgarment a representation of what is happening wrong patients.

Presenter John C. Godbold Jr, DVM, Stonehaven Veterinary Consulting successful Jackson, Tennessee, explained however thermal imaging tin assistance dainty cats, and pb practitioners to a diagnosis of their diligent successful a noninvasive, noncontact, and nonthreatening way, during his lecture astatine the 2022 American Association of Feline Practitioners league successful Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Thermal imaging 101

Using thermal imaging, veterinary practitioners volition announcement that erstwhile scanning a diligent with mean humor flow, the colors volition beryllium symmetrical wrong a patient. The temperatures wrong the representation volition contiguous arsenic nonsymmetrical successful a diligent with abnormal humor travel oregon suffering from a disease.

“Now, fto maine interject erstwhile we spot thermal images, astir each of them I'm going to amusement you colors that correspond the temperatures. The colors successful the palette are precise intuitive, ranging from what we mentally deliberation of arsenic being cold, which is achromatic and purple, ranging up from blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and achromatic arsenic the hottest temperatures. But we've got nonsymmetrical somesthesia organisation here, and determination has to beryllium a physiological crushed for that,” said Godbold.

He explained that colour changes tin beryllium caused by an summation successful somesthesia due to the fact that of hyperthermia and accrued humor travel from an inflammation oregon infection. Practitioners whitethorn spot a alteration successful humor travel due to the fact that of neurological damage, vasoconstriction, oregon infarction.

Godbold informed attendees that thermal imaging provides a antithetic mode to spot what is happening wrong a diligent too the mean scans due to the fact that it gives a antithetic constituent of presumption and provides a much comforting attack for their feline patients.

“Keep successful caput arsenic we speech astir this, that accepted imaging that we've done for years with a radiograph, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds springiness america anatomical information, they amusement america structurally what's going on. What’s truly antithetic astir thermal images is we're getting functional and physiological information. The thermal images archer america what's going connected successful the insubstantial close present and archer america wherever we've got lukewarm areas [and] wherever we've got cooler areas successful narration to each other,” said Godbold.

“Now, the quality of thermal imaging is that this is portion of what makes it truthful feline friendly, is it's noninvasive, we're not sending thing to the cat, we're simply measuring the temperatures connected the surf assemblage aboveground country of the cat. It's perfectly objective. It's conscionable a postulation of data, and it is incredibly quantitative data,” helium added.

Seeing the unseen

Thermal imaging tin beryllium utilized for wellness screens, patients that are sick, and geriatric patients. Godbold informed attendees that these images are not diagnostic, but they tin assistance supply aboriginal detection of carnal problems often earlier immoderate structural changes show. This tin beryllium a important measurement for practitioners due to the fact that if the images amusement a thyroid contented oregon issues with a patient's legs, perchance gives them an aboriginal diagnosis, aboriginal treatment, and perchance a amended result for some patients, and favored owners.

“I deliberation of thermal damages arsenic being portion of the breadcrumb way that we tin usage erstwhile we're moving with patients. They fto america beryllium proactive alternatively than reactive due to the fact that thermal images observe problems truthful aboriginal successful the process of disease. So, we tin place areas requiring further valuation and these thermal images, and we'll speech astir this lawsuit successful a small much item later,” said Godbold.

When looking astatine the images, immoderate parts of the assemblage volition contiguous hot, and others volition typically ever contiguous arsenic cold. On the blistery side, the eyes and the anus are usually reddish due to the fact that they are consistently warmer, portion a cat's process volition typically beryllium contiguous with colder colors.


As aesculapian professionals, Godbold understands that grounds down technology, similar this one, is an important portion of implementing it successful clinics. If the merchandise has nary technological grounds to backmost up its significance, determination volition not beryllium a propulsion to usage it wrong clinics. According to Godbold, the grounds is overwhelming from erstwhile exertion helium worked with earlier it entered the veterinary realm.

“I've had the accidental to enactment with aggregate technologies successful this full realm with lasers and light-based modalities implicit the years. As they participate veterinary medicine, similar everybody else, I privation to spot the grounds and I privation to spot veterinary-specific evidence. I tin honestly accidental determination is much evidence, veterinary-specific and species-specific, for utilizing thermal imaging than immoderate different exertion I person worked with,” helium said.

Although palmy successful studies, according to Godbold, thermal imaging cannot beryllium a stand-alone product, and helium warned attendees to beryllium alert of its limits erstwhile utilizing the product. It does not supply a circumstantial contented arsenic different imaging can, but it tin assistance by telling veterinary professionals wherever to commencement looking if they fishy immoderate issue.

In concluding his lecture, helium near attendees with this last thought. “A small selling slogan that was utilized for years with this terminology was ‘see the pain.’ and we don't spot symptom with thermal images. We spot physiological changes, and we spot alterations successful humor flow, but tin thermal images assistance america place areas that we request to cheque much intimately to spot if symptom is present? Absolutely,” helium concluded.


Godbold J. Feline Thermal Imaging: What the Pretty Colors Tell Us. Presented at: 2022 American Association of Feline Practitioners Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 27-30, 2022.

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