UVA joins U.S. network preparing for infectio - EurekAlert

1 year ago 37

Madhav Marathe, PhD

image: Madhav Marathe, PhD, is Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing Division astatine the UVA Biocomplexity Institute. view more 

Credit: University of Virginia

Researchers astatine the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the UVA Biocomplexity Institute person been selected to assistance found a nationalist pathogen genomics surveillance web moving to amended identify, respond to and forestall aboriginal infectious illness outbreaks and pandemics.

Together with the Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services, Virginia Department of Health and Virginia Commonwealth University, the UVA researchers are establishing a Virginia-based halfway successful the nationalist Pathogen Genomics Centers of Excellence Network. The Virginia halfway is 1 of conscionable 5 successful the federation chosen by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A cardinal to processing testing, treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 – arsenic good arsenic predicting the virus’s dispersed – was knowing the familial constitution of the microorganism done whole-genome sequencing. The extremity of this genomics network: leverage genomic pathogen information to assistance thrust the effect to aboriginal and existent infectious diseases.

“Combining pathogen genomics with epidemiologic information tin uncover transmission pathways to assistance america amended recognize a pathogen. The sooner you person that knowledge, the sooner you tin make ways to dilatory oregon halt its spread,” said Amy Mathers, MD, an infectious diseases specializer astatine UVA Health and the initiative’s person astatine UVA. “You tin besides make diagnostics to place it and trial for it.”

Building connected Experiences from COVID-19 

Both UVA Health and the UVA Biocomplexity Institute are good positioned to observe caller ways to amended respond to infectious illness outbreaks. A laboratory squad led by Mathers and Mindy Poulter, PhD, helped UVA Health go the archetypal infirmary successful Virginia to basal up COVID-19 testing in the aboriginal weeks of the pandemic, and Mathers besides led a survey confirming wastewater testing as an effectual method for tracking COVID-19.

The Biocomplexity Institute’s COVID-19 Response Team, meanwhile, has been consulting with the CDC, Department of Defense and Commonwealth of Virginia connected the COVID-19 pandemic since aboriginal 2020, including producing a weekly report for the Virginia Department of Health with illness projections and analyses.

Mathers’ squad volition absorption connected the increasing contented of antibiotic absorption and “superbugs” that bash not respond to existing antibiotics, arsenic good arsenic the further refinement of wastewater surveillance to observe antibiotic absorption arsenic good arsenic different infectious diseases. That information and information, successful turn, volition beryllium shared with researchers astatine the Biocomplexity Institute to assistance them successful processing much close models and analyses of some aboriginal infectious illness outbreaks arsenic good arsenic the effects of antibiotic resistance.

“Wastewater surveillance has already been shown during the COVID-19 pandemic to highly utile metric for measuring the illness and guiding effect to outbreaks. That said, this is inactive a caller surveillance technique, and determination is simply a batch of probe needed to hone this successful to a afloat operational and regular instrumentality successful our arsenal,” said Madhav Marathe, PhD, Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing Division astatine the Biocomplexity Institute. “Additionally, wastewater surveillance has the committedness to supply a big of different utile accusation for nationalist wellness officials, and we are excited to enactment with them connected helping construe that information into practice.”

The squad astatine the Biocomplexity Institute volition besides enactment much broadly to stock actionable accusation connected infectious diseases done a nationalist level called Scalable Cyberinfrastructure for Genomic Surveillance (SCIGS), arsenic good arsenic supply grooming connected however to champion usage the level and its wealthiness of information.

“The extremity is to alteration the sharing and investigation of biosurveillance data for CDC and different section nationalist wellness agencies to usage successful their situation responses arsenic good arsenic regular day-to-day nationalist wellness practice,” said Bryan Lewis, PhD, MPH, a computational epidemiologist astatine the Biocomplexity Institute.

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