Various News: Brock & Arn Anderson on AEW Unrestricted, Doug Basham Chats With JBL & Brisco, Mia Yim Plays Blades & Sorcery VR -

2 years ago 149

– This week’s edition of AEW Unrestricted features Brock & Arn Anderson:

It’s a acquisition successful tag squad wrestling and cutting bully promos with Arn Anderson! Arn and his son, Brock Anderson speech astir their travel to AEW, however Brock convinced his parents fto him prosecute a nonrecreational wrestling career, and Brock’s grooming with QT Marshall astatine the Nightmare Factory. They besides stock stories astir moving AEW Dynamite shows during the pandemic, the value of watching arsenic galore matches arsenic possible, and what it’s similar to question together. Plus, Brock comments connected tagging with some Lee Johnson and Brian Pillman, Jr., and keeping the Anderson name.

– Doug Basham is the impermanent connected this week’s Stories With Bradshaw & Brisco:

– Mia Yim took portion successful immoderate VR Let’s Play with Blades & Sorcery:

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