By Antoinette Radford
BBC News
Five radical person died aft a gunman opened occurrence astatine a artifact of flats successful Toronto, Canada.
Police responded to reports of the shooting astatine the gathering successful Vaughan, astir 30km (19 miles) northbound of Toronto, astatine 19:20 (12:20 GMT) connected Sunday, shooting the fishy dormant there.
Another injured idiosyncratic has been taken to infirmary successful a superior condition.
Authorities are investigating the motive, including a imaginable transportation betwixt the gunman and the victims.
York constabulary main Jim MacSween said attending officers were met with a "horrendous scene", with galore deceased victims recovered successful antithetic flats of the building.
Mr MacSween said determination was nary ongoing menace to the public, and York constabulary said those evacuated could instrumentality to their homes.
While it has less wide shootings than neighbour the US, Canada has precocious seen an summation successful weapon unit prompting caller authorities to prohibition handguns.
In May 2020 Canada banned 1,500 types of military-grade oregon assault-style firearms aft a gunman disguised arsenic a policeman killed 22 radical successful Nova Scotia.