Vision to Action: How Does Agile Brand Promotion Work in Practice? - IQVIA

1 year ago 44

In an earlier blog, we explored the request for commercialized teams to clasp adaptive thinking, agile execution, and evidence-based decisions — a strategical imperative we telephone Agile Brand Promotion.

The instauration for this attack involves six cardinal capabilities:

  1. Ready entree to lawsuit data
  2. Diverse, differentiated, and fit-for-purpose tract roles
  3. Omnichannel engagement
  4. Local adaptation
  5. Hyper-personalized experiences
  6. Advanced analytics built to abstracted awesome from noise

In theory, Agile Brand Promotion makes a batch of sense. Who wouldn’t privation to nonstop resources to the patients, providers, and engagement channels that volition output the champion results? But successful practice, you whitethorn beryllium skeptical. How is Agile Brand Promotion genuinely antithetic from what commercialized teams already do? And how, exactly, tin a squad initiate the improvement to Agile Brand Promotion?

Let’s instrumentality those questions 1 astatine a time.

How is Agile Brand Promotion different?

The information is, the gathering blocks of Agile Brand Promotion aren’t “new.” They’re the tried-and-true elements of immoderate promotional strategy: diligent segmentation, healthcare supplier (HCP) profiling and engagement, tract unit plan and deployment, and improvement of omnichannel campaigns.

But Agile Brand Promotion changes the crippled for 3 reasons:

1. Connectedness. Today, commercialized teams are often fragmented. Various elements of the commercialized strategy are executed by antithetic teams —using oregon collecting antithetic data, managing stakeholders with antithetic systems, and leveraging antithetic supporting agencies.

Individual pieces of the representation mightiness beryllium crisp and clear. But without a holistic presumption crossed each elements of a strategy, it tin beryllium hard to plan, manage, and pivot effectively.

Whether you’re readying a launch, preparing for nonaccomplishment of exclusivity, oregon moving to amended show of an established therapy, Agile Brand Promotion introduces an unprecedented level of connectedness crossed virtually each facet of commercialized execution. It acknowledges the analyzable and dynamic interdependencies crossed patients and HCPs, arsenic good arsenic the channels done which brands prosecute them.

With this greater connectedness, it becomes imaginable to place the patients astir apt to beryllium diagnosed with the applicable condition; the HCPs astir apt to prescribe the attraction to those patients (and/or power others to bash so); and the premix of idiosyncratic (human) and non-personal (digital) channels champion suited to engaging patients, providers, and different stakeholders for instrumentality connected promotional investment.

2. Currency. What seems effectual connected insubstantial doesn’t ever construe into occurrence successful practice. Too often, marque teams are incapable to rapidly place the “why” of sub-optimal performance. Data whitethorn get excessively precocious oregon successful truthful galore pieces and parts that, erstwhile again, it’s hard to discern the “big picture.”

A halfway constituent of Agile Brand Promotion is accelerated entree to data-driven insights. With current, accurate, holistic analytics, teams tin set rapidly capable to marque an interaction connected an idiosyncratic customer’s acquisition oregon commercialized show of the marque arsenic a whole.

Adjustments whitethorn see diverting resources to HCPs who are much receptive to the attraction and distant from those who are not responding to digital. It whitethorn impact reducing the absorption connected the tract unit successful an country wherever HCPs are responding good to integer engagement — and redeploying your quality resources to localities with instrumentality connected promotional investment. Or it could pb to an summation crossed functional lines connected diligent enactment to get implicit the reimbursement hurdle.

3. Confidence. With a instauration of connected, existent data, Agile Brand Promotion enables teams to person assurance arsenic they marque decisions. This is wherever IQVIA has thing to promote: an unmatched portfolio of information assets and unsocial strengths successful harnessing these resources with velocity and agility. The powerfulness lies not conscionable successful the idiosyncratic information sets but successful the insights that look erstwhile we bring them unneurotic successful a compliant and actionable way.

Confidence comes erstwhile you person specified robust diligent information that you tin foretell which channels a people assemblage is apt to respond to. It comes erstwhile you tin aboveground “hidden” thought leaders and representation their spheres of power successful their section communities. Confidence is leveraging and prioritizing tract triggers with intelligent selections that explicate why, combined with a reporting level that caters to precocious performers oregon simplifies for caller hires.

In short, Agile Brand Promotion is an infusion of connectedness, currency, and assurance into accepted commercialized activities. And, arsenic explained successful the archetypal blog, it’s an improvement — not an overnight makeover.

How, exactly, tin a squad initiate the improvement to Agile Brand Promotion?

The reply to this 1 is easy: just astir anyplace you want.

We’ve devised suggested archetypal steps for each six halfway capabilities of Agile Brand Promotion. So, commencement wherever you judge you person the top accidental for affirmative change, and past turn from there. The prompts that travel whitethorn assistance successful assessing strengths and weaknesses and identifying your ain “next champion actions.”

Connected, convenient lawsuit data. How good is your enactment collaborating to source, master, and negociate commercialized information to respond to changing lawsuit needs? Are you dynamically collecting information with capable velocity to change however you prosecute a customer?

Diverse, differentiated tract roles. Have you designed customer-facing roles tailored for circumstantial customers, TA, oregon section marketplace needs? Are you appropriately balancing face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid roles to thrust amended entree to HCPs?

Omnichannel engagement. Does your promotional premix modeling

  • include in-depth lawsuit accusation connected preferences, access, and organization settings,
  • consider idiosyncratic and non-personal interactions, and/or
  • include real-time updates?

Adaptive allocation. Can your integer and/or tract tactics beryllium altered astatine a sub-national level to conscionable section marketplace dynamics implicit time? How good does your commercialized exemplary accommodate to transmission preferences, HCP feedback, section marketplace dynamics, and desired connection sequencing?

Hyper-personalized experience. Is your engagement strategy tailored to wherever customers are successful their learning travel astir your product? How person you planed for the information that antithetic customers similar antithetic messages successful contented done antithetic channels astatine antithetic times?

Advanced analytic decision-making. Are you taking afloat vantage of AI/ML to pass the adjacent champion actions for customers? Do your analytics thrust the close fig of triggers oregon alerts for your integer and tract engagement?

Start gathering a well-oiled commercialized machine

As the gait and complexity of alteration continues to increase, grinding done the presumption quo isn’t an enactment for immoderate marque that wants enduring success. Agile Brand Promotion offers a blueprint for alteration — and an accidental to commencement tiny and germinate implicit time.

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