Visual Physics: AP Physics

1 year ago 36

Master Physics with Powerful Visualisation and Structured Course.

Visual Physics is the astir broad animated video people to larn physics for elder precocious schoolhouse / elder secondary level and hole for competitory exams like

1. AP Physics 1
2. AP Physics 2
3. AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
4. AP Physics C: Mechanics
5. ACT Physics

Visual Physics tin thatch you concepts successful little than 30% of your time. Then you tin straight spell to archetypal knowing video solutions of antithetic types of problems and past to solving much problems yourself.


» 500+ Short Conceptual Videos with almighty visualisation for crystal-clear knowing of physics concepts.

» Thorough and in-depth treatment of each and each taxable successful abbreviated time, needed to lick precocious level questions.

» Points of disorder explained beforehand, which you mightiness get portion solving AP Physics questions.

» Hard-hitting questions to situation your conceptual knowing and capable the conceptual gaps.

» 3500+ Problems with videos and substance solution with expanding difficulty-wise operation to assistance you larn wherever to use which concept.

» Visual Tricks to lick problems faster.

» Access Videos Offline, Learn without online distractions (*Internet transportation erstwhile successful a week volition beryllium required).

Covered implicit chapters and important topics are arsenic follows. We can't constitute each the topics covered owed to words limitations, but beryllium assured that each the topics of chapters are covered.

Mathematical Tools - Algebra, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Vectors

Motion successful Straight Line - Graphs of Motion, Motion nether Gravity

Motion successful a Plane - Projectile Motion, Relative Velocity

Newton's Laws of Motion - Constraint Motion, Pseudo Force

Friction - Static & Kinetic Friction, Two and Three Block Problems

Circular Motion - Centrifugal and Centripetal Acceleration

Work, Power & Energy - Kinetic Energy and Work, Conservation of Energy, Conservative and Non-conservative Forces

CoM, Momentum & Collisions - Linear Momentum, Variable Mass System

Rotational Dynamics - Moment of Inertia, Torque, Angular Momentum

Rigid Body Dynamics - Rolling Motion, Conservation of Angular Momentum

Elasticity - Stress & Strain, Hooke’s Law, Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio

Gravitation - Escape Velocity, Kepler's Law

Fluids - Pascal’s Law, Surface Tension, Viscosity, Bernoulli’s Principle

Simple Harmonic Motion - Energy Variation successful SHM, Superposition

Transverse Waves - Superposition, Standing Waves, Waves connected String, Reflection of Wave

Longitudinal Waves - Resonance, Harmonics, Beats, Doppler's Effect

Heat & Temperature - Latent Heat, Calorimetry

Heat Transfer - Stefan's Law, Wien's Law

Kinetic Theory of Gases - Ideal Gas Law, Molar Heat Capacity

Laws of Thermodynamics - Cyclic Process, Carnot Engine

Electric Forces & Fields - Coulomb's Law, Dipoles successful Electric Field

Gauss Law - Electric Flux, Solid Angle

Electric Potential - Electric Field from Potential, Potential Energy

Conductors - Earthing, Conducting Sheets

Capacitors & Dielectrics - Energy Stored, Combination of Resistors, Kirchhoff's Loop Law

Electric Current - Ohm's Law, Battery

Electric Power - RC Circuits

Magnetic Force - Helical Path, Lorentz Force, Magnetic Dipole Moment

Magnetic Field - Biot Savart Law, Ampere's Law

Electromagnetic Induction - Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF, Faraday's Law

Inductance - RL Circuit, LC Circuit

Alternating Current - RLC Circuit, Q Factor, Transformer

Reflection - Plane, Convex and Concave Mirror, Magnification, Velocity of Image

Refraction - Snell's Law, Prism, TIR, Dispersion, Deviation, Combination of Lens, Len's Displacement Method, Chromatic Aberration

Wave Optics - Huygens’ principle, Interference, YDSE, Diffraction

Happy Learning :)

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