CYPRESS, Calif., November 21, 2022 ( - VR Edu implements the gathering of cultures astir the satellite by utilizing its ain technology, the Virtual Travel System (VTS). The two-way taste metaverse abstraction "Enjoy Street (," which combines virtual world (XR), is simply a caller conception of question abstraction that connects users online and offline done its opening successful March 2022. They supply a caller question acquisition specified arsenic tourism and buying done the unrecorded commerce convergence work non-face-to-face.
Jaeheon Kim, CEO of VREDU, said, "We prepared metaverse arsenic a abstraction for caller taste exchanges aft the caller coronavirus corruption (COVID-19) and waited for online and offline question to proceed."
Enjoy Street aims for "a spot wherever everyone who likes to question becomes a usher and they tin each bask traveling together." Enjoy Street was planned and developed to service foreigners who could not travel to Korea astatine the clip erstwhile it was cluttered with COVID-19 successful October 2020. It has been continuously updating since its online opening successful Japan successful March 2022. Enjoy Street is simply a planetary blog with 4 themes including "portal ( which includes question photos and question feedback," "live ( for videos and unrecorded broadcasts," "shop ( wherever users tin merchantability and acquisition assorted question products," and "blog ( wherever everyone comes unneurotic nether the taxable of traveling."
Enjoy Street, which presents a caller modular for question guides, introduces assorted question contented done a full of 3 groups of guides. The guide, who holds the nationally accredited "Tour Interpretation Guide" license, tin merchantability a assortment of contented and question products some online and offline. Ordinary members (travel experts) volition beryllium registered arsenic "travel experts" aft interior verification. Afterward, if 1 receives a definite magnitude of grooming and passes the trial connected an MR-based usher acquisition level operated by Enjoy Street, 1 tin get a "VTS (Virtual Travel System)" licence and merchandise question contented and merchantability products online.
In addition, VR Edu besides operates "YGOON," which has 310,000 assemblage pupil members successful Korea. Through the practice of the 2 brands, they tendency to pb the caller tourism commerce field. YGOON identifies members' depletion tendencies done artificial quality (AI) and large information and recommends and predicts them.
VR Edu is besides practicing environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-friendly management. It encourages eco-friendly depletion and sells products from tiny and medium-sized enterprises and tiny businesses abroad. Going beyond tourism, food, covering and structure volition beryllium incorporated into leisure activities specified arsenic performances.
Source: VR Edu