Watch: George Alagiah's extraordinary career

1 year ago 18

George Alagiah, 1 of the BBC's longest-serving and astir respected journalists, has died astatine 67, nine years aft being diagnosed with cancer.

Alagiah won awards for reports connected the famine and warfare successful Somalia successful the aboriginal 1990s, and was nominated for a Bafta successful 1994 for covering Saddam Hussein's genocidal run against the Kurds of bluish Iraq.

He was besides named Amnesty International's writer of the twelvemonth successful 1994, for reporting connected the civilian warfare successful Burundi, and was the archetypal BBC writer to study connected the genocide successful Rwanda.

And if you, oregon idiosyncratic you know, person been affected by cancer, accusation and enactment is disposable connected the BBC's Action Line page.

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