Wearable Patient-Tracking Device to Inform Time and Delivery of Radiotherapy - Targeted Oncology

1 year ago 38

Alonso Gutierrez, MD, discusses the archetypal results from a feasibility survey which evaluated the usage of a regular wearable patient-tracking instrumentality to optimize radiation instrumentality usage and clip the transportation of treatment.

Alonso Gutierrez, MD, main of Medical Physics astatine Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute, discusses the archetypal results from a feasibility survey which evaluated the usage of a regular wearable patient-tracking instrumentality to optimize radiation instrumentality usage and clip the transportation of treatment.


0:08 | The extremity present of this survey was we bash person a bundle strategy that is some hardware and bundle that enables america to way patients passim the clinic. So that we can, successful essence, recognize however agelong they're waiting and each country of the building, and besides however agelong they're spending connected each attraction machine. And so, 1 of the initiatives that we'd similar to bash present is evidently marque the diligent acquisition the champion it could be. And 1 of them is to effort to trim the wide hold clip and past effort to optimize the transportation time. So, they tin get their treatments successful and out, chiefly due to the fact that astir patients volition sojourn the Center for radiation treatments, you know, anyplace from 25 to 35 times, oregon fractions that they deliver. So, we truly privation them to beryllium capable to travel successful and retired not hold a batch and past get precocious prime treatment. Our extremity present was to one, we needed to cognize wherever we were at. And portion of the crushed was to spot however compliant everyone is wearing these devices.

1:04 | We did an archetypal appraisal and realized that our compliance was not wherever I wanted to be. We pushed to amended our compliance. And we were capable to get it to 70% of each our fractions for the past six months, which were ample fig of them we were capable to get patients to I deliberation I deliberation we astir tripled the compliance origin for patients, which gave america precise bully information to instrumentality from determination to recognize however we bash connected each unit. We bash person an essence 7 attraction vaults, six oregon 7 systems that we dainty patients with. And we wanted to truly spot however each 1 of them performs and if there's immoderate challenges of 1 strategy versus the other.

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