Wearable Technology Data in Medical Care: Cardio Care Now, Ep. 3 - Consultant360

1 year ago 40

​​​​​​In this episode, Dr Martin speaks with Dr Kapil Parakh, MD, PhD, who is the Medical Lead astatine Fitbit, astir the usage of wearable exertion information to amended aesculapian care, including the usage of slumber data, carnal enactment data, and the detection of atrial fibrillation.

Kapil Parakh, MD, PhD

Dr Kapil Parakh, MD, PhD, is a cardiologist astatine VA Medical Center, Medical Lead astatine Fitbit (Google), and an adjunct prof astatine Yale University and Georgetown University (Greater Baltimore, MD Area).

Seth Martin, MD

Seth Martin, MD, MHS, is a preventive cardiologist and an subordinate prof of medicine successful the Division of Cardiology astatine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD). Dr Martin is the manager of the Advanced Lipid Disorders Program and Digital Health Lab astatine the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and the halfway manager and the main researcher of the mTECH Center, portion of the AHA Health Tech and Innovation Network. He is besides the co-founder of Corrie Health, Inc. 


Hello and invited to Cardio Care Now, a peculiar podcast bid led by Dr. Seth Martin. Dr. Martin is simply a cardiologist and an subordinate prof astatine Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine successful Baltimore, Maryland. The presumption of the speakers are their ain and bash not bespeak the views of their respective institutions oregon Consultant360.

Dr Seth Martin: Welcome backmost to the Cardio Care Now podcast. Really admit everyone tuning backmost in. I'm excited for the speech contiguous with Dr. Kapil Parakh, who is idiosyncratic I've known for a fig of years, dating backmost to erstwhile helium was my attending successful the Hopkins CCU. And he's conscionable had a fascinating vocation since then, since his clip arsenic an world cardiologist and bosom nonaccomplishment specializer astatine Hopkins. Kapil's gone connected to enactment arsenic a White House chap successful Washington, and past to deterioration antithetic hats astatine Google and has tremendous insights to stock astir the relation of exertion successful the worlds of aesculapian attraction and cardiology, and has specifically been starring efforts with respect to wearables, which is going to beryllium the absorption of our treatment today. We truly privation to recognize the subject astir wearables, what tin beryllium done contiguous and what's coming down the enactment successful presumption of the relation of wearables successful objective practice. Kapil, I'm thrilled to person you connected the podcast and looking guardant to our treatment today.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Thank you, Seth, and truly admit that generous introduction. You've had specified an astonishing vocation since our clip astatine Hopkins and truly gladsome to beryllium present together.

Dr Seth Martin: Let's footwear things off. I deliberation archetypal of all, it would beryllium large conscionable for the assemblage to larn a spot much astir yourself and your journey. I alluded to immoderate of it, but you've had this breathtaking vocation way and I'm conscionable funny for the assemblage to larn much astir what truly drives you and what's led you to instrumentality the vocation way that you person arsenic you deliberation astir the interaction that you'll person connected patients and the satellite of medicine.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Thank you. I've been incredibly lucky. I did aesculapian schoolhouse successful Zambia, came to the US for further grooming astatine Hopkins wherever we met and I explored a fig of antithetic paths, but I deliberation the communal taxable successful my travel has been 1 astir trying to summation my impact. Growing up successful Zambia and doing aesculapian schoolhouse there, I saw a batch of challenges, galore of which revolved astir nationalist wellness and people, essentially, for deficiency of resources, dying from diseases that were wholly preventable.

And I explored a fig of paths to spot however I could grow my impact. Initially, I did a Masters of Public Health reasoning that would beryllium my path, and past pursued probe reasoning that would beryllium it. And past programme gathering successful world medicine, argumentation arsenic a White House chap and past yet I recovered a location astatine Google wherever moving done exertion and reaching, successful immoderate cases, billions of people, has been a fantastic opportunity. In short, you could accidental I could person benefited from immoderate vocation guidance aboriginal on, but I explored a fig of antithetic paths and fortunately person recovered 1 that seems to beryllium a large fit.

Dr Seth Martin: For sure, and it's been large to collaborate with you, get to larn from you implicit the years. I think, let's commencement diving into our taxable astatine hand, wearables. We person a batch of clinicians successful the audience, galore of whom volition beryllium acquainted with wearables, but I deliberation it is adjuvant conscionable to level acceptable from the opening conscionable to specify what are we talking astir with wearables, the basal ideas astir however they tin beryllium applied successful aesculapian and cardiovascular care, and past we tin excavation further nether the aboveground from there.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Thanks, Seth. That's a large question. Wearables screen a wide scope of devices and that includes things similar smartwatches, which are astir apt the astir common, but trackers arsenic good arsenic rings, adjacent shoes and jackets, truthful on. The communal thread is that these each person sensors that tin observe things similar movement, bosom complaint oregon sleep, and supply that to the idiosyncratic often done a smartphone app.

Dr Seth Martin: There's a batch that tin beryllium measured and a batch of imaginable here. Certain areas person taken the starring presumption successful the race, truthful to speak, successful a satellite of cardiology. Atrial fibrillation has been 1 of those. Should we excavation into AFib arsenic an illustration up beforehand astir what's being measured there? What does it mean? What tin beryllium done with the data?

Dr Kapil Parakh: Yeah, absolutely. That's a large 1 to commencement with. Many wearables tin observe bosom rate. In a mates of cases, for example, Fitbit is simply a scope of devices that bash this, and the Apple Watch is simply a mates of those that bash that arsenic well. They look astatine the regularity of bosom rates. This is simply a photograph plethysmography-based signal. If you've seen immoderate traces successful inpatients wherever they look astatine pulse oximetry, it's a akin technology, radiance a airy done the skin, get it back, and you look astatine the changes successful the airy characteristics and you tin observe a pulse. And what the algorithms bash is they instrumentality periods of inactivity, erstwhile idiosyncratic is not moving and that reduces sound and mendacious positives. And successful that play of inactivity, they spot however regular the pulse is coming done photoplethysmography. And what that tells you is if it is irregularly irregular, arsenic we each cognize with atrial fibrillation, past the idiosyncratic tin get an alert to accidental that you mightiness person an irregular bosom bushed and spell talk to a doc astir it.

Some of the cardinal things present is that due to the fact that it's done successful periods of inactivity, for example, Fitbit has a multi-day artillery beingness and is often utilized successful sleep. That's erstwhile galore of these episodes are detected. And it tells you successful those periods what's happening. The different happening is that the algorithm tends to instrumentality 30 minutes' worthy of information and look for recurrent periods of irregularity successful this. It's not conscionable a one-off happening that it conscionable happens. Finally, users don't get notified successful the moment. It tends to beryllium an after-the-fact notification due to the fact that of the mode things are processed. It's not similar you find retired arsenic soon arsenic you spell into atrial fibrillation, but alternatively sometime aft the fact, usually a fewer hours.

The different portion that's truly important astir this is that the FDA clearance that some Fitbit and Apple person gone are astir detection of atrial fibrillation, but not a diagnosis. The diagnosis inactive has to beryllium confirmed with a aesculapian people instrumentality specified arsenic a patch, similar a Zio Patch oregon immoderate of the different patches that are retired there, a Holter show oregon lawsuit recorder, thing other that is aesculapian people that tin corroborate this diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. That's 1 illustration of however wearables tin observe irregular bosom bushed and yet pb to a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

The different feature, which is absorbing and breathtaking is that galore wearables, Fitbit, Apple, Withings, Samsung tin seizure an electrocardiogram oregon an ECG. Now this is simply a azygous pb ECG that's usually qualitatively akin to Lead 1, the electrical impulse crossed the near and close arms. And galore of these companies person akin algorithms that tin archer a idiosyncratic whether that ECG hint is sinus bushed oregon atrial fibrillation oregon inconclusive. And determination are definite reasons wherefore these tin beryllium inconclusive and sometimes it's mediocre awesome quality. Sometimes the bosom complaint is truly excessively accelerated to archer the regularity, et cetera.

But these are 2 antithetic ways successful which you tin facilitate the detection of atrial fibrillation. And again, adjacent with a azygous EECG, that has to beryllium confirmed with a medical-grade device. It's not a diagnosis, it's much of a detection, idiosyncratic who, for example, mightiness beryllium much of a symptomatic idiosyncratic determine to cheque a azygous pb ECG and they fig it out. But this is each truly breathtaking and has happened implicit the past 4 oregon 5 years and we're inactive figuring retired precisely however to deploy these and successful which populations they tin beryllium astir impactful.

Dr Seth Martin: Thanks Kapil. Thanks for that truly wide description. I truly similar however you highlighted the quality betwixt detection and diagnosis. And astatine a precocious level, it speaks to the wide conception that often exertion is not going to wholly regenerate clinicians oregon the aesculapian system, but there's this collaboration oregon synergy betwixt the 2 entities. And the exertion tin assistance augment what's happening successful objective care, assistance place much people, and they tin plug into the accepted aesculapian system, person a ceremonial diagnosis, and past attraction tin travel from there.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Absolutely. It's complimentary. Absolutely.

Dr Seth Martin: Maybe let's dive immoderate much into day-to-day objective attraction wherever we are contiguous with the integration of wearable data, wherever we're going. In summation to AFib, beryllium funny to perceive wherever you deliberation we are contiguous successful presumption of what tin beryllium utilized from user wearables and however that tin complement objective care.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Absolutely. I emotion this complimentary narration that you've described. I deliberation that's precisely the close framing to deliberation of it. We spot patients each three, six months, sometimes yearly. And determination are agelong periods fundamentally betwixt our visits and we often don't cognize what's happening to our patients successful betwixt visits. And what wearables tin assistance bash is capable successful those gaps and I deliberation they assistance capable them successful a mates of antithetic important ways. One is conscionable manner changes. We cognize whether it's diabetes, hypertension, coronary disease, adjacent atrial fibrillation, that the archetypal enactment proposal is astir manner changes. Whether it's changes successful carnal activity, I deliberation mostly recommended crossed the committee to summation carnal activity, changes successful diet, whether it's cutting down sweetener if you're a diabetic oregon brackish if you're hypertensive and truthful on, truthful forth. There's a fig of manner changes that we urge and what wearables tin assistance bash is to crook this proposal into enactment and marque it easier for clinicians to assistance patients on that journey.

I was really talking to carnal medicine adept who's an workout physician. She's worked with each the mode from Olympic athletes to helping constitute immoderate of the guidelines. And successful what she described arsenic the deficiency of carnal activities associated with 6% of excess mortality successful the world. And erstwhile you comparison to smoking, which is astir 8%, that's beauteous close. And conscionable similar we speech to our patients astir smoking and we tin counsel them, I deliberation we tin counsel them likewise astir carnal activity. And what these tools bash is marque it casual to speech about. It's an actionable thing. You tin inquire what their metrics were earlier your sojourn oregon acceptable goals for the play aft the visit. And I deliberation it is conscionable a mode to span the spread betwixt visits and assistance radical adhere to the recommendations.

Dr Seth Martin:

You get that penetration into what's been happening successful the location and the assemblage betwixt visits. And carnal enactment has been 1 of those pieces and that has been focused connected with wearables, partially due to the fact that it's measurable, but it has specified wide objective and nationalist wellness value from superior prevention of cardiovascular illness each the mode to bosom failure, including bosom nonaccomplishment with preserved ejection fraction. There was conscionable a Jack nonfiction that came retired showing truly the value of carnal enactment successful HFpEF. I wonderment if you're seeing 1 of your ain patients successful session and going done their wearable data, including the carnal enactment data, what bash you absorption on? What bash you trust? What bash you possibly discard a small spot much and say, "You cognize what, I'm not definite astir the accuracy of that." How bash you deliberation astir these information erstwhile you're determination successful the session with your patients?

Dr Kapil Parakh: That's a large question and I emotion however you bring it down to the applicable nitty gritty of it. I deliberation that the cardinal happening to retrieve is simply a batch of this data, with the objection of the atrial fibrillation data, is wellness information oregon consumer-grade data. While it's utile and important, it's not aesculapian large data. As a cardiologist for example, I mightiness spot somebody's bosom complaint trends connected their Fitbit oregon the wearable device. I can't really usage that to titrate a beta blocker dose due to the fact that it's not medical-grade bosom rate. Doesn't mean it's useless, but it's not intended for diagnosing oregon treating oregon managing conditions. It's overmuch much intended astir manner changes. Then what bash I really look astatine with that disclaimer? Physical activity, let's conscionable double-click connected that since you already mentioned the value of this.

There are 2 main guidelines. If you look astatine the technological study that the authorities enactment retired connected carnal activity, which is astir 770 pages long, recommended if you person insomnia, but I could summarize it successful conscionable a fewer words. What they urge is to trim sedentary time, fundamentally determination more. And the metric to look astatine determination is honestly steps. Fitbit popularized 10,000 steps, but truly it's conscionable much of a directional thing. You privation radical to getting much steps. For immoderate folks if their baseline is 3000, 10,000 is excessively acold away, effort and scope for 4 oregon 5,000. You conscionable privation to them gradually expanding implicit time. But truly important conscionable to get them moving. And past the 2nd portion of the carnal enactment guidelines is they urge 150 minutes per week of mean to vigorous carnal activity. And you could get either 75 minutes a week of vigorous, 150 minutes of mean oregon immoderate operation thereof.

Now that's a mouthful to say, fto unsocial decipher. Devices similar Fitbit marque it casual due to the fact that it's 150 progressive portion minutes per week oregon more. And the mode users get awarded progressive portion minutes is based connected their bosom complaint and their bosom complaint reserve, which is based connected their resting bosom rate. If you are successful a definite zone, you get 1 progressive portion infinitesimal for each infinitesimal of mean carnal activity. And if you're successful a 2nd much vigorous zone, you get 2 progressive portion minutes for each infinitesimal of vigorous activity. And you don't person to bash the mathematics of was it 75 minutes of vigorous oregon 150 minutes of mean oregon immoderate combination. If you get 150 progressive portion minutes oregon more, that's great, you achieved the recommendation. And the proposal is that's slightest 150. There's benefits up to 300. The narration betwixt moderate-vigorous carnal enactment and wellness benefits of assorted types successful the lit tends to beryllium curvy linear.

What that means is erstwhile you spell from precise sedentary, similar let's accidental 10 oregon 20 progressive portion minutes per week to adjacent moderately much similar 30, 40, 50 progressive portion minutes per week, that summation is associated with a greater inflection successful your wellness benefits than if you went from 200 progressive portion minutes a week to 250 progressive portion minutes a week. Really the top payment is astatine the little extremity of the spectrum, not that you won't get benefits further on, but for each those folks that we deliberation are alternatively sedentary and hard to get moving, it's important to retrieve that these are the folks that person the top wellness benefits from carnal activity. I'll halt determination connected carnal enactment existent speedy and past modulation implicit to a mates of different areas. Aside from carnal activity, galore of these devices look astatine sleep. For example, we spouse with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and they person 2 main recommendations that you tin look astatine a Fitbit oregon immoderate different instrumentality information to look at.

There are 2 main recommendations astir slumber duration, which is simply a capable magnitude of slumber each week, ideally each day. And past consistency, which is you privation to person a accordant level of slumber each time implicit the people of the week and not sleeping little connected weekdays and much connected weekends. But alternatively than consistency due to the fact that of this timepiece and slumber is really becoming much and much recognized successful cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association has a checklist, Life Simple Eight. It utilized to beryllium Life Simple Sevens, but they added slumber duration to it to marque it Life Simple Eight. And it's a checklist to assistance forestall cardiovascular disease, some superior and secondary prevention, that benignant of thing. Sleep is different country that I thin to look astatine successful summation to carnal activity. I'll halt determination due to the fact that I've said a full clump of stuff, but I'll fto you respond to that.

Dr Seth Martin: Thank you. That's fantastic. I love, archetypal of each with carnal activity, however you broke things down determination and emphasized, for example, successful those that person a little level determination is that adjacent greater imaginable to person an interaction that we request to marque definite we don't springiness idiosyncratic with a measurement number of a 1000 per day, an archetypal extremity of 10,000 per day. We request to acceptable realistic goals and gradually enactment up from there. And I emotion that you brought successful sleep, particularly fixed that's specified a timely blistery taxable with the AHA conscionable releasing their indispensable 8 that brings successful slumber data. That's thing wherever I personally consciousness similar successful my session it's been little prominent. I deliberation the carnal enactment information has much people been thing patients bring in, but the slumber data, there's country for growth. And I ideate that whitethorn beryllium the lawsuit successful different clinicians' clinics. Thank you for bringing that in.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Absolutely. And I deliberation it doesn't instrumentality a batch to excavation into these things, but erstwhile you started to make that basal knowing of some the carnal enactment and the slumber stuff, overmuch similar we talked to our patients astir smoking, I person a fewer modular things, "Do you smoke? How much?" And past commencement going into, "Would a spot payment you? Gum, et cetera." Once you make that speedy repertoire of a fewer deed database things that you privation to interaction basal on, you tin efficiently incorporated this into a visit. We each cognize we're pressed for clip and it becomes challenging. The different happening I wanted to speech a small spot astir is of gathering these into objective programs. Aside from what an idiosyncratic clinician tin do, I cognize you've done immoderate large enactment successful Query Health astir incorporating exertion into attraction pathways and post-discharge.

We collaborate with a cardiologist successful Ireland who's really implicit the people of the pandemic utilized Fitbit to crook her cardiac rehab programme into a virtual program. And fundamentally what they've done is they springiness patients who are signing up for cardiac rehab Fitbit devices, and they besides person an app and a dashboard. And fundamentally successful the app, patients tin study their symptoms and whether they're taking medicine truthful on. And Fitbit keeps way of their steps and different metrics arsenic we've discussed. And nurses volition springiness them a telephone each week, each immoderate the docket is for cardiac rehab. And they'll sermon not conscionable successful the abstract, but precise specifically, like, "Hey, how's your enactment levels? Here are your measurement counts, here's your progressive portion minutes, how's that coming along?" And past they'll spell done symptoms and medicine adherence and truthful connected and truthful forth.

And what they've recovered is that not lone are patients much apt to implicit this benignant of cardiac rehab due to the fact that the virtual components, the logistics of it are overmuch simpler. You don't person to thrust and truthful on. But that patients are much satisfied with it. They consciousness monitored due to the fact that of the device. They consciousness similar they're connected to the infirmary more. And the attraction teams more, retrieve this is an anxious period, radical conscionable had a bosom attack. They similar this thought of being connected.

And arsenic a result, they're much apt to instrumentality their medicines, they person amended power of their cholesterol, their humor pressure, and truthful connected and truthful forth, and are overmuch little apt to spell backmost into the hospital. And I cognize Dr Connolly's moving connected publishing this and these results, and she's presented immoderate enactment of the European Society of Cardiology, and we're besides looking into scaling this up crossed NHS. But you tin spot how, from this example, if you physique the wearable into a greater program, it's not near conscionable an idiosyncratic clinician to look astatine that data, physique it into that visit, portion that's important too, you tin physique a attraction pathway that possibly involves a caregiver oregon different parts of the attraction squad who tin assistance negociate this information and enactment connected it and past truly marque the astir of it truthful that patients get the payment from it, but without implicit overwhelming the doc oregon the objective attraction team.

Dr Seth Martin: That's fantastic. I'm truly gladsome you brought up that illustration of programme gathering and highlighting what Dr Connolly's done successful Ireland. I'm decidedly excited and inspired by the efforts there. And determination are parallel efforts successful the US present done our American Heart Association wellness tech web to standard up cardiac rehab entree utilizing technology. I deliberation this really whitethorn beryllium a bully accidental to pivot to conversations astir equity and the integer disagreement due to the fact that successful summation to augmenting existing cardiac rehab programs for radical that tin travel into the hospital, past to beryllium capable to augment the interactions with those participants astatine location oregon to displacement immoderate of their cardiac rehab sessions to the location there's this relating conception of wellness equity due to the fact that truthful fewer people, the number of radical that suffice for cardiac rehab participating successful cardiac rehab, whether you're successful the United States oregon Ireland oregon elsewhere. And past determination are these agelong waiting lists to get into cardiac rehab, which truly speaks to the request to beryllium much businesslike and to standard the quality to present cardiac rehab to much funny people.

And I wonderment if we could person immoderate speech astir wellness equity, however you're reasoning astir that due to the fact that there's the interest that the technologies could beryllium accessible lone to those that person the resources to personally acquisition technologies. And certainly, that's a existent interest that needs to beryllium addressed. But then, connected the different hand, there's the imaginable to scope much people, to conscionable them wherever they are with the exertion and really to amended equity. And I deliberation it's a beauteous large taxable and certainly, successful the years up I deliberation it's going to go progressively portion of the conversations astir exertion arsenic it relates to aesculapian care. I wanted to larn from you connected this taxable what your latest reasoning is astir the integer disagreement and wellness equity.

Dr Kapil Parakh: It's wonderful. We person a full squad focused connected wellness equity, and I really truly similar however you framework that. Let's commencement with however you started, which is cardiac rehab. It takes a definite level of privilege to driblet everything and travel to a installation 3 times a week for respective hours to workout and beryllium portion of this rehabilitation programme truthful you tin get backmost connected your feet. And galore times, either our patients oregon their caregivers who transport them, et cetera, person jobs they cannot get distant from, proscription challenges and truthful connected and truthful forth.

And the folks that bash crook up thin to beryllium comparatively much privileged than those who are not capable to marque it. Really being capable to present programs similar cardiac rehab successful the location done exertion that's provided by either an security institution oregon successful the UK by the NHS is 1 mode to level the playing tract a small bit. We person decades of probe that amusement the benefits of cardiac rehab, but it's lone reaching a fraction of the radical that are eligible for it. This mode you tin summation entree and marque it much equitable. I deliberation there's a immense imaginable of technology. On the different an angle, I bash hold that determination is interest that exertion mightiness lone beryllium disposable to those that tin spend it.

Speaking of Fitbit, for example, there's a full big of devices. Many of our features are disposable connected each azygous device, starting from comparatively low-cost enactment trackers each the mode retired to the fancy astute watches that we make. But successful addition, we enactment intimately with partners, security companies successful the US, folks similar NHS successful the UK and each astir the satellite to effort and supply devices astatine either discounted oregon escaped to patients arsenic portion of objective programs and different wellness and wellness programs truthful that we tin scope the radical who request it the most. The past happening is, similar you said, arsenic we determination to the future, it's truly important to physique probe and research these areas further. The Fitbit Health Equity Research Initiative awarded grants to a fig of folks who are looking astatine everything from postpartum attraction for agrarian achromatic women to slumber successful transgender younker to diabetes progression successful Latino adults utilizing the tools that Fitbit has to spot if they tin code immoderate of the challenges astir wellness equity.

Dr Seth Martin: Thanks, Kapil, it's truly adjuvant the mode you're reasoning astir it. And you marque a bully constituent astir sum done security companies and the collaboration betwixt the exertion companies, the manufacturers, and security companies. We had a caller acquisition successful Maryland wherever we were capable to successfully collaborate betwixt our squad astatine Hopkins and HA and different stakeholders to walk authorities astatine a authorities level to supply entree to humor unit monitors for the Medicaid population. And I deliberation it's not excessively unreasonable to deliberation that years down the line, arsenic the grounds builds, arsenic you say, determination could beryllium authorities that really covers wearables for the Medicaid population, and that becomes much of a commonly covered payment for security crossed the board.

Dr Kapil Parakh: First of all, congratulations, that's a fantastic initiative. I deliberation successful presumption of the grounds base, I deliberation radical don't admit the level of affluent grounds that presently exists. Just for context, determination are astir 1500 published studies that notation Fitbit truthful far. There's an autarkic meta-analysis that was done past twelvemonth that looked astatine carnal enactment programs, whether they included Fitbit oregon not. And this meta-analysis looked astatine 37 randomized power trials and recovered that trials that successful included a Fitbit arsenic portion of the involution versus those that did not thin to person much movement, much steps successful a day, much activity, arsenic good arsenic greater value loss. And these are surrogate measures and yet construe into bigger wellness benefits, but that's a beauteous affluent grounds abstraction to statesman with. And I deliberation it's 1 of those things wherever folks don't rather recognize that the grade to which these devices person already been studied and the magnitude of grounds that exists close now.

Dr Seth Martin: That's a large point. That's a large point. It's been specified a fast-moving tract and we cognize that there's specified a lag successful grounds to line adoption to objective signifier implementation that tin instrumentality implicit a decennary that determination is that erstwhile the tract of exertion and grounds is moving truthful fast, determination could beryllium that large lag, which I deliberation arsenic we get towards the adjacent of our conversation, that whitethorn beryllium a bully segue to speech about. I anticipation that our speech contiguous is adjuvant to clinicians having a amended knowing of wherever we are, but if they're funny successful learning more, I wonderment what different high-yield resources you whitethorn privation to constituent radical to, immoderate telephone to actions that you person that would beryllium adjuvant to our listeners.

Dr Kapil Parakh: I deliberation that's precisely right. There is this spread betwixt grounds and action, and we've built up the grounds base. There are FDA clearances, et cetera, a definite level of rigor that's gone into these devices. And yet galore clinicians connected the beforehand lines don't cognize however to usage them oregon what to do. It's thing I'm personally funny successful moving on. If you hunt supplier and Fitbit, you'll find a provider-facing leafage connected Fitbit that we assistance motorboat and collaboration with the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that lists retired immoderate of the features and what the guidelines urge and however you link with the antithetic features to the antithetic guidelines. But truly there's a large request for education, for CME and conscionable different venues astir wearables. People travel to america successful session with information from wearables and from different online probe et cetera, and it's a motion that they're engaged successful their wellness and that they privation to bash much to assistance themselves.

And it's an accidental for clinicians to instrumentality that enthusiasm and transmission it successful an due way. Somebody with hypertension whitethorn request much question oregon much intelligence wellness enactment successful presumption of mindfulness oregon heavy breathing relaxation to bring down their humor pressure. But if a clinician isn't alert of each of this, they whitethorn conscionable disregard that information and it's a mislaid accidental to physique up the diligent narration and admit a patient's enactment successful what they're doing and usher them successful the close way. But adjacent more, it's a mislaid accidental to assistance amended their wellness successful a meaningful way. I bash deliberation there's a ton of accidental astir gathering much resources to assistance clinicians marque the astir of wearables.

Dr Seth Martin: Thanks, Kapil. I've truly enjoyed this conversation. I'd similar to convey you truthful overmuch for your enactment successful this area, for helping thatch maine and everyone that's tuning in, and intelligibly we're going to request arsenic galore clinicians to beryllium engaged successful shaping the mode that wearables participate into objective practice. And we've already travel a agelong mode successful a abbreviated magnitude of time, but determination are immense opportunities up from fittingness to slumber to AFib and truthful overmuch much beyond that. But those person been immoderate starring areas. I would beryllium remiss if I didn't propulsion successful a precise concise punctuation you had connected LinkedIn precocious astir fitness. You've looked astatine a batch of the grounds present and you said, "It each comes down to determination more, huff and puff sometimes." I conscionable emotion that.

Dr Kapil Parakh: My six-word condensation of 700 pages.

Dr Seth Martin: And wearables tin assistance measurement that objectively betwixt objective visits. And I truly americium looking guardant to proceeding much feedback from listeners to continuing this conversation, the future. I truly wanted to convey you, Kapil, for your clip successful joining america contiguous connected the Cardio Care Now podcast.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Thank you, Seth. It's been fantastic and it's an breathtaking clip and the future's adjacent much bright, truthful tons of enactment to beryllium done, nary question. But Fitbit, for example, conscionable launched this continuous EDA sensor. It's a passive sensor that looks astatine the sweatiness of the skin. It's a measurement of stress. And my thesis, erstwhile I was doing my PhD successful epidemiology, was astir slump and bosom disease. And the lone mode I could recognize what was happening with patients and subjects was either you had to inquire them a questionnaire oregon you had to interrogation them by scientist oregon a psychiatrist. And present we person a passive mode to look astatine somebody's accent levels and intelligence health, which is ace exciting. And I deliberation it'll beryllium truly absorbing however this gets incorporated into objective attraction and what usage cases travel retired of this. I'm definite we'll person much conversations successful the aboriginal and it's a truly breathtaking clip successful this field. Thanks, Seth.

Dr Seth Martin: For sure. I'm looking guardant to circling backmost connected that, that's ace exciting. Thanks, Kapil.

Dr Kapil Parakh: Thank you.

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