WearMail for Android Wear

1 year ago 35

--- Special Note:

Dear Smartwatch User,

We are getting acceptable to refresh this app astir apt with an accent connected filtered notifications that enactment antithetic behaviours connected the watch. For example, "Play a customized dependable and vibration connected the ticker if the taxable contains meeting." 2 main points of emphasis: 1. Reduce the magnitude of notifications going to the ticker 2. Ability to cognize who the notification came from oregon what it concerns without looking astatine the watch.

I americium a small retired of interaction with what is happening deterioration omniscient and would beryllium VERY grateful for immoderate feedback regarding what features you are looking for successful the app. Also, if you get a accidental to instal the existent app, delight fto maine cognize what you would amended astir it.

UPDATE: We person purchased a Tic-Watch-Pro for processing the caller mentation of the app...We would beryllium grateful for MORE feedback connected the diagnostic set. Thanks to everyone that has already contacted us!

Kind Regards, support@maxlabmobile.com
Aug 2020


Displays email notifications connected an Android Wear smartwatch oregon accessory.

The email notifications incorporate astute commands specified arsenic 'quick reply', delete email' and 'archive' that are designed to facilitate ultra-quick processing of email connected Android Wear smartwatches and accessories.

WearMail works with astir each email accounts by supporting the pursuing protocols: IMAP, IMAP-IDLE (Push Mail), POP3 & Exchange via EWS oregon IMAP.

WearMail is simply a standalone app that works successful conjunction with *any* email app.

 • Display sender, taxable and email body
 • Choose the fig of ticker commands and the bid of the commands
 • Choose a bid to tally erstwhile the notification is dismissed [Typically: 'Mark arsenic Read' oregon 'Archive']
 • Ability to unfastened the email straight connected the telephone [Use 'Simple Viewer' arsenic your email app]
 • Reply to emails via dependable oregon preset responses
 • Select oregon make your ain vibration pattern
 • Option to show email notifications connected the ticker only
 • Customise notification background

Watch App Features: [New 2.25]
 • Disable oregon alteration notifications
 • Snooze notifications
 • Force an contiguous cheque for mail
 • Redeliver caller notifications

 • Open: Opens the email app inbox connected the telephone from the Android Wear watch
 • Delete Message: Deletes the email connection from the message server
 • Mark arsenic Read: Marks the connection arsenic work connected the message server
 • Mark arsenic High Priority: Marks the connection arsenic precocious precedence connected the message server
 • Archive: Moves the connection to the designated folder connected the message server
 • Quick Reply: Issue a reply from the Android Wear watch

Good to know:
 • Watches Supported: LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear Live, Asus Zen Watch, Huawei Watch, Moto 360, LG Watch Urbane, Sony Smartwatch 3, and more
 • App tested connected Samsung Gear Live

No Notifications [Or commands]
 • GooglePlay services mentation connected the ticker and telephone indispensable match
 • If the versions bash not match, bash a "resync apps" successful the Android Wear app
 • Wait astir 5 minutes and cheque the mentation numbers again

Wear 2.0:
 • Join the beta trial radical to person the 2.0 mentation of the ticker app: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxlabmobile.wearmail.androidwear

WearMail should facilitate ultra speedy processing of mail. If determination is thing successful the day-to-day usage of this app that you consciousness should beryllium streamlined oregon improved delight interaction maine astatine the enactment address: support@maxlabmobile.com

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