WISE INVESTMENT is simply a authorities of the creation concern & security portfolio absorption App for customers
With WISE INVESTMENT App, you tin get respective views of your portfolio which volition not lone support you abreast astir its latest status, but besides assistance you making important decisions for concern re-balancing, nett booking oregon stopping loss.
Here are immoderate of the galore features of the WISE INVESTMENT App:
• Get a summary presumption of the existent presumption of your investments crossed plus classes
• Get a summary presumption of the security screen of each members successful your family
• Drill down to afloat item
• View Upcoming portfolio events
• Get alerts astir your important events specified arsenic beingness security premium due, wide security renewals, SIP due, FMP maturity, etc.
• Buy / Redeem / Switch Mutual Funds online from immoderate AMC
• Get champion successful the people MF advisory
• Raise a work summons to your advisor
• Host of utile fiscal calculators to assistance you program your abbreviated word and agelong word fiscal goals
• Digital Vault – entree your important documents anytime from your Smartphone
• Provides sum of each large General Insurance sections specified arsenic Health, Motor, Fire etc.
• Track tiny redeeming investments similar PPF, NSC, KVP, FD, RD etc.
• Maintain your investments successful Stocks, Bonds, Bullion, Commodities etc.
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