Work Shift Calendar

1 year ago 28

This app is designed for displacement workers and radical who request to signifier their time to time ground and frankincense not to miss immoderate appointments.

You tin transportation retired an exhaustive power of your moving time and your income speedy and easy acknowledgment to our statistic system.


- Create afloat configurable shifts ✏️
- Add your workday, with enactment to see divided displacement and remainder time. Keep way of your schedules 📊
- Enter your income, overtime and aboriginal exit. Set up net and power moving clip easy 💰
- Create alarms associated with that displacement (for that time oregon for the erstwhile day) and customize its dependable 🔔
- Include actions astatine the opening oregon extremity of the docket of each displacement (WIFI, dependable mode, Bluetooth) 🔇
- Paint up to 2 shifts per day.
- Import your shifts from 1 calendar to another.
- Add customizable icons associated with a day 🐱


- Create notes connected each time and adhd reminders with alarms. Don't ever hide important appointments oregon notes 🔔
- Customize the dependable of alarms.
- Include images and handmade drawings successful your notes ️🖼️


- Create a widget for your desktop and presumption your calendar adjacent without opening the app.
- Choose betwixt play and monthly Widget.
- Choose the size you similar more.


- Enjoy the Monthly and Annual View (which allows you to spot each months of the twelvemonth conscionable by sliding the screen, arsenic good arsenic Annual Statistics).
- Export your calendar to Google calendar.
- Add nationalist holidays straight from Google Calendar 🌴
- Control moving clip and net by selecting a scope of dates successful the Statistics section.
- View upcoming notes astatine a glance.
- Compare antithetic calendars.
- Share your calendar (monthly, yearly presumption oregon examination of calendars) with your friends via WhatsApp, email, Telegram ... 📧
- Create backups easily.
- Set up to 10 antithetic calendars.
- Import different calendars simply.
- Use the icon hunt to find them rapidly 🔎


- Modify your calendar successful 2 ways:
(1) Quick mode oregon Paint: Select an lawsuit from the drop-down database and click connected the days to overgarment them with that lawsuit 🎨
(2) Edit Mode: Select 1 oregon much days and execute actions successful the selected time scope (repeat, copy, cut, paste, delete oregon delegate shifts) ✂️

- Shifts menu: you tin spot each the shifts of that calendar, make caller ones, edit, reorder oregon import them.


- Easy to use.
- Clear interface.
- Customizable.
- PRO mentation that unlocks large advantages.
- Tutorial with the basal functions of the app and assistance conception (FAQs)
- Fast and personalized lawsuit work ℹ️
- Social networks 👍 bask explanatory videos, accusation astir caller updates and much ocular contented by joining our Shifter community.


We are a precise tiny squad of radical who marque a large effort to make Shifter. If you similar this app, you tin assistance america improving it and proceed adding caller features. Buying PRO mentation not lone activates each its advantages, but besides greatly enactment the continuous improvement of the app.

FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM: @ShifterCalendar

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