WVU Today | As respiratory illnesses increase, WVU experts share information to prevent possible 'tridemic' - WVU Today

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Wednesday, November 02, 2022

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A kid  with abbreviated  brownish  hairsbreadth  is wearing a achromatic  mask, acheronian  garment  and grey  pants achromatic  petting the adjacent  of a ample  achromatic  dog. An big  with agelong  blonde hairsbreadth  and a bluish  disguise  is disposable   successful  the backmost  of the photo.

Following a COVID-19 vaccination, a kid visits with West Virginia University Hearts of Gold visitation therapy dog, Titan. Flu and COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for everyone six months and older. (WVU Photo/Tyler Mertins)

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A dependable summation successful respiratory illnesses crossed the United States arsenic wintertime approaches is starring wellness experts at West Virginia University and elsewhere to pass of a imaginable “tridemic,” wide occurrences of influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial microorganism oregon RSV.

Following 2 mild flu seasons, owed successful portion to COVID-19 information guidelines specified arsenic masking and societal distancing, experts are predicting much wide corruption this year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network is presently reporting the highest laboratory-confirmed flu hospitalization complaint since 2010-2011.

Two WVU experts said that’s wherefore it’s important for everyone, including those successful low-risk populations, to signifier prevention to support susceptible individuals and communities harmless and healthy.

When a acold is much than a cold

Symptoms of flu, COVID-19 and RSV typically mimic the communal acold but tin origin terrible corruption successful immoderate individuals. The 3 respiratory illnesses besides stock galore of the aforesaid symptoms, including fever, cough and runny nose.

Flu and COVID-19 are not distinguishable by the symptoms alone, which besides see sore throat, musculus oregon assemblage aches, headache and fatigue. Both besides tin cause mild to terrible illness, including decease successful susceptible individuals. Individuals who acquisition flu- oregon COVID-19-like symptoms should corroborate diagnosis with a location COVID-19 trial arsenic soon arsenic imaginable to statesman attraction and isolation to assistance trim the severity of illness and to forestall assemblage spread.  If symptoms are mild, symptoms tin often beryllium controlled with location absorption and over-the-counter medications.

“Rapid COVID-19 investigating is disposable implicit the antagonistic and is recommended when symptoms develop,” said Dr. Carmen Burrell, aesculapian manager of WVU Medicine Student Health and Urgent Care. “If symptoms are severe, you should beryllium evaluated by a doc for investigating and symptomatic management.”

There is besides interest astir 2 caller COVID-19 variants, BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, some of which are variants of Omicron. These variants person been increasing rapidly, accounting for 1 successful 4 caller COVID-19 infections aft being attributed to lone 2.6% of cases astatine the opening of October. These variants germinate astir immunity from vaccines and past infections, making them much apt to pb to illness.

RSV tin often origin wheezing and trouble breathing. Affecting the lungs and breathing passages, RSV tin pb to serious illness especially successful infants and older adults, including bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Most RSV cases successful steadfast adults wide up aft 1 to 2 weeks.
WVU Medicine Children’s is presently experiencing dense volumes owed to the surge of RSV corruption among the state’s youngest residents.

“Symptoms of RSV that we are seeing successful children are secretion, a batch of congestion and immoderate whitethorn person a fever,” said Dr. Lisa Costello, a WVU Medicine pediatrician and adjunct prof successful the School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics. “For young children with RSV, they volition often person accrued breathing rates.

“If children are having a hard clip breathing, they request to beryllium seen by a wellness attraction provider. Signs of accrued breathing difficulties tin see truly accelerated breathing, flaring nostrils, caput bobbing portion breathing, grunting erstwhile breathing and the rib cage caving successful with each breath.”

Protecting yourself and your community

Flu, COVID-19 and RSV tin beryllium transmitted done droplets successful the air. Flu and RSV are chiefly dispersed erstwhile a idiosyncratic coughs oregon sneezes, but could besides beryllium dispersed by touching a aboveground that has the microorganism connected it and past touching your look earlier washing your hands.

The champion mode to forestall flu and COVID-19 and their perchance superior complications is to get vaccinated.

“Getting vaccinated helps alteration the dispersed and interaction of seasonal infections,” said Dr. Burrell. “This assists with herd immunity and volition forestall much terrible infections oregon complications erstwhile 1 is exposed to COVID-19 oregon influenza. Through herd immunity, we tin besides assistance forestall much susceptible individuals who whitethorn not beryllium capable to beryllium immunized.”

“It is important to usage the tools successful our toolbox to forestall each of these viruses,” Dr. Costello added. “The strongest instrumentality successful our toolbox is getting vaccinated to forestall and trim severity of the flu and COVID-19. The COVID-19 and flu vaccines are bully astatine preventing terrible disease. Even if you bash get the virus, you are little apt to extremity up successful the infirmary oregon adjacent worse. By getting vaccinated, you are reducing the strain connected the wellness attraction strategy and helping yourself and those astir you who whitethorn beryllium astatine higher risk.”

The CDC recommends an yearly flu vaccine for everyone six months and older. This includes individuals with conditions that could enactment them astatine higher hazard for flu complications arsenic good arsenic large women.

Individuals ages six months and older are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination. West Virginians are encouraged to usage the free, online WV COVID-19 Vaccination Due Date Calculator to find erstwhile they are eligible and owed for immoderate COVID-19 shot.

WVU Medicine Urgent Care clinics and WVU Student Health connection flu and COVID-19 vaccination opportunities connected a walk-in basis. First, 2nd and booster doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are disposable astatine these clinics, and individuals whitethorn take to get their flu changeable astatine the aforesaid clip arsenic their COVID-19 vaccine.

There is nary vaccine for RSV.

Individuals should travel champion practices to forestall each 3 respiratory illness.

Best practices to support yourself from contracting unwellness are:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and h2o for 20 seconds oregon usage alcohol-based manus rub. Make definite to cleanable betwixt your fingers and astir your wrists. Sing the chorus of “Country Roads” arsenic you lavation your hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, chemoreceptor oregon mouth. Germs are often dispersed erstwhile a idiosyncratic touches thing that is contaminated with germs and past touches the eyes, chemoreceptor oregon mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, oregon the crook of your elbow, not your hands. Use the nearest discarded receptacle to dispose of the insubstantial aft use.
  • Avoid contact with individuals who are sick, erstwhile possible.

Additionally, sick individuals are urged to enactment home.

The dispersed of immoderate respiratory unwellness tin pb to absences from schoolhouse and work,” added Burrell. “In summation to the items listed above, a steadfast fare and regular slumber and workout tin assistance support a beardown immune strategy to assistance forestall immoderate infection.” 

The latest WVU Medicine Health Reports on flu/COVID-19 and RSV, disposable connected the WVU Medicine YouTube channel, stock further accusation astir aboriginal corruption rates and however to support yourself and your assemblage harmless from flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

Individuals with questions oregon concerns should interaction their superior wellness provider. WVU students tin scope retired to WVU Medicine Student Health at 304-285-7200.

Follow @WVUHealth and @WVUSafety on Twitter for tips to enactment healthy.



MEDIA CONTACT: Jessica Wilmoth
Senior Communications Specialist
WVU Health Sciences
304-293-9528; jessica.wilmoth@hsc.wvu.edu


Cassie Thomas
Director, Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Medicine
304-293-3412; cassie.thomas@hsc.wvu.edu 

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