I Am Navy Medicine – HM3 John Ong – Lead Hearing Conservation Tech at NHB - DVIDS

1 year ago 35

Some patients request an receptor afloat astir an earful.

Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class John Ong tin supply immoderate specified adjuvant cautioning.

As the pb proceeding conservation technician and wide work corpsman for Naval Hospital Bremerton Otorhinolaryngology [better known arsenic Ears, Nose and Throat] department, Ong handles everything from administering proceeding tests to counseling patients connected conscionable what constitutes steadfast hearing.

“Hearing is 1 of the large senses of the assemblage and shouldn’t beryllium taken for granted, due to the fact that erstwhile you suffer it, it’s not coming back. It’s existent we person devices and apps to assistance with proceeding nonaccomplishment and tinnitus, but thing volition reconstruct your afloat consciousness of hearing. Not being capable to perceive tin impact our quality to execute portion connected duty,” said Ong, a Scripps Ranch High, California 2009 postgraduate and Olongapo City, Philippines autochthonal who calls Japan home.

Ong attests that 1 of the astir predominant disruptors successful steadfast proceeding that helium encounters erstwhile dealing with patients is hazard associated with receptor wax, arsenic good arsenic deafening sound.

“Some of the astir recurring factors I’ve seen connected a play ground are thing from receptor canals blocked with receptor wax, receptor infections, oregon harm to the ears owed to vulnerability to large noises. That harm tin beryllium from the workspace environments oregon listening to euphony astatine the gym,” stated Ong, stressing that the do-it-yourself methods immoderate radical usage to cleanable their ain ears by utilizing a fabric swab oregon pen really has the other effect of pushing wax buildup further down successful the ear, arsenic good arsenic perchance causing an wounded wrong the receptor canal oregon to the receptor drum.

“We urge to travel spot america astatine ENT for ear-cleaning. We’re disposable Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings by appointment. By having america professionally bash it, that limits idiosyncratic from unintentionally harming their hearing,” added Ong.

Along with pursuing the aged adage of not sticking thing successful your receptor smaller than your elbow, a person’s steadfast proceeding is besides predicated connected being capable to adequately support it from damaging, earsplitting noise.

“One of the simplest ways to assistance support our proceeding starts with the close placement of proceeding extortion portion successful hazardous sound workspaces oregon recreational activities,” Ong said. “If idiosyncratic is utilizing proceeding extortion and taking the clip for due earplug insertion oregon headphone muff placement, they tin assistance trim proceeding nonaccomplishment and tinnitus significantly.”

“Individuals should marque definite the proceeding extortion is correctly worn oregon inserted truthful that they are provided with a bully seal that muffles each incoming noise,” continued Ong. “Another time to time accomplishment that we tin each signifier is to usage measurement subject portion utilizing idiosyncratic media and amusement devices, specified arsenic earbuds and headphones. Limiting excessive large sound vulnerability volition forestall imperishable proceeding damage.”
As 1 mightiness expect, determination are challenges with providing steadfast proceeding successful a subject environment.

“The astir challenging portion of audiology successful a subject situation is counseling patients connected their proceeding trial results. Explaining to a diligent the differences betwixt proceeding nonaccomplishment and a alteration successful their proceeding tin beryllium complex. Some patients travel successful convinced that their proceeding is mediocre and successful world the results archer a antithetic story. Hearing is simply a analyzable process, and the audiogram is lone a tiny portion of the puzzle. I’ve learned that taking the clip to reply diligent questions and thoroughly explicate the trial results arsenic good arsenic kinds of proceeding protection, successful a diligent affable way, is indispensable successful promoting proceeding wellness and sharing skills connected however to support hearing,” explained Ong.

Ong’s Navy Medicine vocation – 7 years and counting - began erstwhile helium was studying successful the Philippines for a concern large that simply didn’t suit what helium was looking for.

“That aforesaid day, my dada sent maine a substance telling maine that the U.S. Navy was successful municipality looking for volunteers. I didn’t adjacent hesitate. I near people to spot if I qualified to join. Next happening I knew I was connected a level to Guam wherever I processed in, and present I americium now,” related Ong, with anterior assignments specified arsenic squad pb for the surgical ward astatine Naval Hospital Pensacola, Florida, and arsenic an En Route Care corpsman with 3D Medical Battalion, Okinawa, Japan.

“The champion portion astir my vocation has to beryllium overseas work stations, having the quality to acquisition different country’s civilization and larn from its past decidedly adds to the uniqueness of a subject career,” Ong said. “My dada was besides successful the Navy. He was an aviation boatswain’s mate – fuel. I remembered a spot helium had connected his pack. At the bottommost of the portion patch, it stated, “Without us, pilots are conscionable pedestrians.” Nobody’s occupation is excessively insignificant that it doesn’t marque a difference.”

For Ong, 1 of the astir gratifying factors - whether it’s assisting retirees oregon progressive work members - is seeing patient’s absorption erstwhile they regain immoderate semblance of their hearing.

“It mightiness instrumentality the assistance of an audiologist and proceeding immunodeficiency oregon thing arsenic elemental arsenic an receptor cleaning, but seeing however these services tin truly assistance a diligent is gratifying,” said Ong.

When asked to sum up his acquisition with Navy Medicine successful 1 sentence, Ong replied, “We each person a intent astatine oversea and oregon connected shore, our combat is support the fleet steadfast and acceptable to fight.”

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