This video should end Kenneth Copeland's career

2 years ago 88

This video should end Kenneth Copeland's career

This video should end Kenneth Copeland's career

Kenneth Copeland's career has led him to be a billionaire televangelist who has been around longer than most and even though on the outside seems like a kind old man he is dangerous false teacher.  He makes false prophecies, makes false promises and is lying to millions of people.  The things he teaches are straight up BLASPHEMY and evil.  It has been documented that people send their life savings into him hoping for a miracle or that he will pray for them, only to be left penniless and without hope.  This video will clearly expose his lies, his false doctrine, his outrageous claims and show what the truth really is.  This video should end Kenneth Copleand's career.  Please help share this video and warn people of this snake oil salesman.


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